What's the point of going off meds?

Yeah , some people will need meds and some will not. People want to get off meds for many reasons , side effects , dependency and long term health prospects. Id like to get off them too , only my sympthoms will return if i do. So i take them


Because people find inconvenience worse than their symptoms.

So that you wont develope othere illnesses due to taking psychotropic.

You should know that,there are 3 main stage regard with the mental,emotional and
chemical processes which that occur inside mind-brain of the person:
1-the first,form the time of schizophrenia onset to the time of medical intervention.
starting from the moment of seeing imaginary people , hearing their voices and start
bilateral discussion unwillingly.
-this stage may be stay for one day or 48 hours or more,wherever there is no
medical intervention,thus the question:
what is changes that occur in the mind-brain of the person and needed to medical intervention?
what is the effectiveness that must be developed by impact of medical drug on the path way of biochemistry ?

2-the second stage,the time of medical intervention staying for one month
-what happens in brain biochemistry during this period of time

3- thirdly stage,the time starting after one month to 1 year,2 years to the time of life.
In sum,a stage with sz without medication (48 hours),a stage with medication for 30 days,
and a stage after medication

in reality,you can not insist to reject the medical intervention though the first stage,
and you can not get off medication during the first month

big argumentation has been arisen between all people around the necessity of using
the medical drugs for years or forever

the big question
is the changes that occur by action of medical drugs during the first month of sz onset
be enough to live your life without using any medication ?

Its down to the sympthoms. If they do not disipate and get worse. Then meds maybe the only option. People who are actively psychotic over the long term , will run down their health by virtue of the stress their under and the choices they make , this , regardless of meds. So choosing meds over psychosis is the most rational choice , ans ultimately the least damaging.

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I am off meds and doing fairly well. In fact, most days are great. However, I do not see friends or family outside of this home. I am only working 1-2 days out of the week, and online(web development). Any more would drive me nuts.
And yes, I do consider this a better tradeoff than taking the Saphris. I could literally(ā€¦realistically?) do anything on the meds; however creativity, spontaneousness, web dev skills, and other things all started heading to 0. In short, something in my brain was turning off(not necesarily sz) that I donā€™t think was meant to.
Itā€™s my choice, and I will be perfectly honest about it. I want to see how this plays out. I will also mention thoughā€¦(as far as honesty goes) Iā€™m heavily considering getting back on the Saphris. It did do itā€™s job very very well; but I do remember wanting nothing more than to get off the meds, which was freedom in my mindā€¦ and I donā€™t want to repeat history. However now Iā€™m craving getting back on them.
When I was on the meds, the sz thoughts did not go away(as expected), but I may have not given it enough time. I was never psychotic though. I felt invincible reallyā€¦
Off of the meds, iā€™m taking a handful of supplements every 1-2 days, each which do something very beneficial. By far the amino acids, cysteine, and now niacin, are the best, as they keep me from becoming psychotic, and seem to normalize what was once very delusional thought. Iā€™m also on a gluten-free diet, as I know gluten intolerance runs in the family, and I was hyper-thyroid to the point of having swollen glands(nodules). If this wasnā€™t the cause of sz in me, it definitely definitely did not help.

In short, Iā€™m hoping to cure myself naturally, finding the root of the problem, and fixing it. Besides the side effects, I have a few fears regarding meds, with short and long-term effects. Iā€™m hoping my brain will self-regulate once(and if) I fix what is wrong, againā€¦naturally if possible. Iā€™m doing ok so far, but if this doesnā€™t work out i will definitely get back on the meds, as that seems like the best thing to do.

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You search about the problem to fix it.
in the case,if you are real schizophrenic citizen,the simple question:
can you do any rational behavior whatever it is,during the time of
seeing the imaginary people and hearing their voices ?
-All current mental processes will be stopping right away all period time of hearing the voices

-the time of biochemistry,mental,emotional and behavior disorders is the time of hearing the voices and seeing the imaginary moved pictures
can you fix this problem by any medication ?
What is the realistic way to mute the voices source ?

You wrote "so choosing meds over psychosis is the most rational choice "
this means that,you agree with the idea that ,schizophrenia is a genetic disease,wherever you can treatment its symptoms forever by meds without recovery from sz or its symptoms ,and
talking about any type of recuperation from sz for awhile of time {years} is idle talk

No i am not saying that. I take meds because i have sympthoms that are causing psychosis. I have spent many years unmedicated and my sympthoms never got better.

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Yeah its really depends on the symptoms. You sound like youve a handle on it

If you spend many years un-medicatedā€¦and still rational person after these years
-This means that,you do not suffer from genetic disease .
-It is rational only to depend on medication forever if you have
genetic disease,and you can not get off meds for years !
-the genetic disease has arise from defective gene,which produce
some unsuitable chemicals,which in turn lead to the disease symptoms
-you can modification these chemicals by medical intervention,
then the symptoms of disease will be disappear,while you have nothing to do
with the defective gene (until now the human have not knowledge to cure the defective
gene itself },so that the disease factor ā€œill geneā€ stay forever and you too !

-nothing can make the internal symptoms of sz got better,it is harmful by any rate or degree,the defensive ways of the body is the usual way to adapt with the effectiveness
of the internal symptoms "what so-called hallucination ",but that need more years

in sum,you can adapt with sz effectiveness ,deal with its problems positively
and live together all time of life,but you can not remove its cause from your mind-brain,it is seems as if it is a genetic condition not a genetic disease !!!

Im rational because medication has improved my sympthoms. Whether its genetic or not thats another discussion

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In the nature,there is no known or unknown method to improve the INTERNAL symptoms of the case that so-called schizophrenia
-there is no any medical drugs in the world have the ability to interact or make impact
on the INTERNAL symptoms of schizophrenia "existential or functional "
because ;
1-the internal symptoms of sz is the internal phenomena that s0-called
-hallucination is the new things that be emitted in the psychological component of the
person,and become existed in the consciousness of the person ā€œin his presenceā€

  • in reality,hallucination have existential and functions characteristics
    -the schizophrenic has feels,sees,hears and perceive the features of the hallucination
    existence inside himself without making any action
    -he can not changes the existential features of the hallucination
    -the medication can not change the existential features of the hallucination
    "you can not changing,improving,or make any modification over the main nature of the heard voices ,and can not block /mute the voice emission from its source

but regard with the functional characteristics of the hallucination,
the thing that so-called hallucination,have the whole ability to causing "creating "
the mind,thought,feeling,imagination,recall memories,understanding character ,
dis-understanding character,forgetfulness,prompting to behavingā€¦etc

so that,the hallucination have big effect on the cognitive content of the mind,
it is possible to improve your responds to the effectiveness of hallucination,
because they are seek all time of wake to make radical changing in your
cultural believes,religious beliefs,social relationships and all your personal views
to your self,holly things, and all facts of world nature

In sum,you can improve your mental responds,but can not stop,improve,mute or block
the occurrence of these effectiveness by your will or by medication

Your anti-psychiatry preaching is getting old.

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To be able to achieve realistic explanation for all phenomena that related the treatment
and cure from sz ,you should know the following facts

1-no matter what is cause of sz {defective gene,abnormal biochemistry,mutations,
biological imperfections in brain,psychological problems,bad environmental conditions,
bad sprite,devil ā€¦etc
1-the cause have the whole ability to impact BOTH OF the substantive content of mental processes+ the biochemistry of the brainā€¦A
2-all types of medical intervention have the ability to impact the biochemistry of the brain,
without making any effectiveness over the cognitive content of the mental processesā€¦B

3-medication can not effects the CAUSE OF SZ or object its functional characteristics,and the cause of sz can not object the chemical effectiveness of the medication on the brain

4-THUS,both of the cause and medication can effects the biochemistry of the brain,
both of them can effects on the biochemistry in different ways{inversely tactics) that serve demands each of them
5- the cause of sz only can effects over the cultural content of the mental processes ā€œby interference within mind thoughtsā€,causing a changes in the concepts and connotations of mental thoughts,and each single effect causing one single disorder"imbalance" in the biochemistry of the brain
6-cause of sz is not sickness factor,and does not causing disease,but the cause seeks
to creation wrongly thoughts,unsuitable feelings or make up changes"falsify " in the cognitive
content of current thoughts (mental outputs/mental productions},the cause do that by
high speed,excessive repetition along the waking hours without stopping at a stability point
{[ cause of sz continue to produce coherent speech without zones of silence between phrases essay most time of waking }
7-the functional effectiveness of sz cause lead to depletion of nervous energy ,emergence of stress manifestations and prevent the backward chemical processes
from the occurrence

-the brain of the person needs a time (one month} to adapt with the effectiveness of sz cause,
to creates a new condition of balance,may be some mutations in some genes,some
changes in the biological structure or in some new chemicals,and that may be take one month or more
thus, medical intervention seeks to make up a balance condition in the absence of the natural defensive means of the body

=when the natural defensive means of brain can adapt with the sz effectiveness and
make up a new balance condition without needing to any external intervention,you should
going off medicationā€¦this is the realistic hope !

I think @77nick77 summed it up the best, and to quote him, the reason I came off meds recently is:

"Other people feel bad side-effects of their medication and stop taking it because they figure it will be better to be off of their medication completely and risk relapse then live with those side-effects. "


I donā€™t think things like brain fog or lack of motivation are because of meds!!! Completely amazes me the things people put down to being on meds when itā€™s the schizophrenia

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