What's a good laxitive? 🙍‍♀️

Check, I will avoid dairy.

I already do that mostly. Meds constipate me!

Try a stool softener. Or a suppository. I can’t believe we are talking about this as it goes around the whole world, lol


It’s perfectly natural. We all humans :heartbeat:

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Eat half a punnet of grapes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and then wait an hour before you eat anything else. They pass right through your system and give you a good wash out. Grapes or any other kind of very watery fruit. This has the added side effect of being an energy booster due to its detox effect.

Warning, don’t take your meds at the same time as eating the grapes because the meds will then pass through your system too quickly.

Interesting…I feel like those are not powerful enough for mes

Kidney Beans does the trick for me - full of fiber

A cup of coffee and a session in front of the computer always seems to do the trick for me - sometimes when I am on this group I have to run for the loo! Why the computer sends my bowels working I cannot understand. Strange, I know! :smile:

A grizzly bear chasing after you! :wink:




It’s the coffee. However that use to work for me, not anymore.

Two bite size prunes a day. Wait -

Eating Life Cereal was always a good laxative for me

donald trump !?!
take care :alien:

too much ’ donald trump ’ could severely damage your health :european_post_office:

i thought prunes / apricots did nothing for me until i bought a kg bag and ate them by as many as i can fit into my hand for breakfast every day

not really great digestive system i’ve abused laxatives and have pretty sluggish system naturally

with the prunes i’m going most every day

Clarification of earlier comment: I spent a month on a diet that prohibited dairy products. Between that and having diverticular disease, my system was unhappy with me when I broke that particular fast by giving it a good feeding of greasy cheese. Should have started off with a bit of skim milk instead.

Abrupt changes in diet usually result in gastric distress ranging from constipation to loose bowels. This goes double for those with intestinal ailments.


Milk does well in some cases.

Thanks @erratica been drinking my Metamucil religiously. Things were better the last two days in that department :wink:

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just eat a bunch of oats and berries. Then jump up and down for a while.

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I can tell you what “not” to take, and that’s a supplement of vitamin “D” if you are taking one, because it can cause you to become constipated.