The invisible sword

I can see them create invisible monsters and chase people. But the person doesn’t move or respond. Cause the program doesn’t want me to see or prove it so I’m trapped suffering.

But, I’m not sure.
Was it complicated for YOU to prove your experience, like I said before do you guys have any evidence. On your part.

I’ll show you mine. If you show me yours.?

Buddy. :+1:

Edit: can you prove you’re immune.?

I don’t believe anyone is immune from being manipulated. You sound like a Scientologist, L Ron Hubbard mind you was a diagnosed schizo. These beings brainwash us and then we brainwash others and create weird cults and ■■■■. LOL

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I’m serious.
What can your voices do.

Can you speak to them about me.?
I usually ask people this. To see if demons notice things about people. Or me.

It has told me REAL demon live on earth.
So I’m looking for this girl.

And they lived in secret societies.
But act human Iike. (Night business.)
Someshit like that. Lol…

Don’t let them mind ■■■■ you about searching for some imaginary girl on a wild goose chase.

What’s scary is that.
I was playing my online game on a website.

I was messing with signs trying to reach out to them. And their signs said.

“Stop hiding behind a sign.”
“If you want that girl talk to her.”
“Don’t hide from her”

I wasn’t ready to be abducted. So I left.
I get a feeling that I shouldn’t go with them if they come.

Avoid those called… “The light.”


I don’t believe there is a Morpheus so I don’t bother searching for one. The closest we have to a resistance is the targeted individual community, so it is pretty ghetto at this point.

I asked my demons about you, they just said, “POWER!” like they usually do, then they started pulling my hair again…

One thing I believe is in astral projecting. I read a theory that the government mastered astral projecting and has black magicians look through people’s eyes and cast dark spells on them. People that know things they shouldn’t know.

I astral projected once and had a vision, saw how the “system” will be in the future. The governments of the world will have very advanced satellites that maps out every street and building in perfectly accurate 3D, in real time. It will be able to detect where everyone exactly is, outside and inside anything.

To me that ties in with the future chip implementation, “mark of the beast.”

Sucks. Maybe you can learn a trick.

Ever tried using your imagination.?
Well try to do it in a wider range.
Instead of the bubble. Try to move it around.

The bubble in reality is a hologram device.
Try to use it like a hologram device.

It’s an alien trick to make you see ghosts.

Ahem… They said.


This Ai program. Can follow you anywhere you go. They said it uses telephaty plus electromagnetic fields. To attach to people.

They always say.
I “command you.” But I won’t budge.

But they still annoy me.
Which hurts.

Seeing UFOs in videos float around quickly without much or any rocket fuel makes what you said somewhat possible. Being completely silent and undetactable in quick, blinking speeds is technology I have seen through intense research. You know, the US government is currently working on a project where they have robotic bees and birds with micro cameras fly around and spy on it’s people. And I done some research a few weeks ago that the military has riot control tech that “telepathically” transmits voices into people’s minds and ears. Imagine that tech being silent and sending messages into people’s subconscious.

That tech might already exist in alien infiltration devices knowing how advanced their UFOs already are.

Another possibility is that it is Satan’s false flag operation to make people believe it is aliens, UFOs, and AI when it is really all demons.

After all, they say Satan does not want us to know he exists, partially because if he exists then God exists, and if God exists we have more peace, love, and hope and potentially a game plan on combating him.

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I’ve been trying to trace these electro magnetic field of the individual to whom it is.

I once thought.
Aliens and alien events were played out.
By a machine which controls everyone on earth.
Since everyones thoughts are controlled, then they could see ufos.

All played by practical pranksters and a demon. Called the devil. And a time machine/mind controller.

This could be kryptix’s “mark of the beast.”
Implanted numbers with Ai attached to our brains.
To keep us in line. In society, under control.
