Spirit-Release therapy

Anyone else looked into all this?

Some books on the subject -

Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook by Sue Allen -

“Spirit Release” covers psychic attack, curses, witchcraft, spirit attachment, possession, soul retrieval, haunting, soul rescue, deliverance, exorcism and others. The term is used by healers and psychics of all religions and traditions to define the work they do in releasing and rescuing entities found with people, on land, in buildings and objects which are then redirected to somewhere more appropriate. This comprehensive guide has been developed over many years and used as course material in the College of Psychic Studies in London. Taking a responsible and careful approach to the subject, it stresses that the process should be carried out in a compassionate way, without blame or judgment of the spirit or of the individual who is seeking help."

Soul-Centered Healing: A Psychologist’s Extraordinary Journey Into the Realms of Sub-Personalities, Spirits, and Past Lives -

“A remarkable journey through the hidden dimensions of our inner world . . . Soul-Centered Healing: A Psychologist’s Extraordinary Journey into the Realms of Sub-Personalities, Spirits, and Past Lives When clinical psychologist Tom Zinser started working with multiple personality patients, he had no way of anticipating where his work would ultimately lead. Using hypnosis, Zinser learned how to communicate directly with the sub-personalities that, he eventually learned, exist even in healthy individuals. Oftentimes this therapeutic technique would lead to healing and psychological integration. But other times, it would lead to confusing or frustrating results. While he made substantial progress, Zinser also reached a professional impasse. The breakthrough came when Zinser was approached by Katharine Mackey, a secretary in his office, who channeled a spirit named Gerod through automatic writing. Gerod, it seemed, was interested in communicating with the psychologist. Zinser approached the suggestion of “meeting” Gerod with a cautious but curious mind, only to be astonished by the clinically useful information that Gerod provided. Gerod claimed the ability to see directly into the souls of Zinser’s clients, and provided very specific guidance on how to help each one. Equally important, Gerod sketched out a map of the human soul, its structure, and destiny, far wider than models provided by clinical psychology. What started out as an experiment turned into an amazing fourteen-year collaboration with more than 650 sessions between Gerod and Dr. Zinser. These sessions enabled Zinser to breach the impasse, guiding his clients to integration at a much deeper, spiritual level. The collaboration also lead the author to a wider understanding of the soul’s structure and journey, explained in this book. Soul-Centered Healing is not a book about channeling, but about the importance of seeing our own psyche in a larger context. This compelling, mind-opening account - sure to be controversial - reveals the landscape of a larger psychic and spiritual reality, of which we are a part.”


Schizophrenia or Spirit Possession
by Mr Mike Williamson

Ghosts And Earthbound Spirits: Recognise and release the spirits trapped in this world
by Linda Williamson

Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual
by William J. Baldwin, Edith Fiore

Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Body
by William J. Baldwin

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Was hoping to get a lively discussion going on this. i think it’s a fascinating area.

I’d say people need to learn to release trapped emotions. But spirit release? That’s a bunch of garble lol

i cant read that i am afraid, but i am a little scared to as well,

when i think of spirit release it makes me think of death but i am guessing you are talking about evil spirits that are kind of possessing the soul or something,

i respect the views of people that disagree. i don’t have anything to prove, & it’s pointless to try & convince a materialist of the spiritual. i’ve read a lot of books on all these areas & had a lot of my own experiences - i think it rational that there is truth in it all. Case of agreeing to disagree.

The subject goes into many areas & many different perspectives. If you don’t find it helpful or it’s too scary for you to look at, then don’t worry.

The books in the OP are mainly discussing discarnate earth bound spirits that haven’t moved onto higher spiritual realms, & that can become attached to people. That’s the basic idea of it all anyway - different researchers/authors have different ideas on it all, & it crosses over into areas of past life/inter life research & different theories on the psyche/soul.

yes, it is a good practice and can be accomplished via prayer and meditation, as well as grounding ones center or soul. Can use a lot of visualization here and must exercise will, intent, and a little faith.
I would stay far away from the Bob Larson type fraud that was posted here

sounds like ghosts and/or demon possession, i try not to dwell on these things too much, i just try and concentrate on the good rather than the bad, what good would come from discussing demon possession? who often has people been cured of that?

still i think it would be a really cool diagnosis much better than schizophrenia lol

From the Links -

Soul – Our Soul is the life essence that provides consciousness and vitality to the physical body. It is a separate and distinct entity that continues to exist after the death of the physical body until such times as it is re-united with our Spirit. Our Soul is linked into our somatic self through the sub-conscious mind and through other nerve plexus centres of the body. For various good reasons a block is created within our mind so that most people are not aware of the Soul conscious part of themselves. We, in effect, generally forget who we are and where we have come from. One of the first stages of the initiatory journey is to re-unite with this aspect of our consciousness. The Soul is an aspect of the Spirit and might also be defined as the part of the Spirit that is linked into the physical body. It is the Soul part that sometimes gets trapped or ‘earthbound’.

Spirit – Our spirit holds the sum total of all that we are both from numerous lifetimes as well as the experiences we have enjoyed in the spirit realms. The Spirit is eternal and is not dependent upon the physical body for its existence. At a certain stage the Spirit no longer needs to return to the physical world but continues to exist on the spirit planes. When we incarnate our Spirit is sometimes referred to as the ‘Higher Self’ as a way of distinguishing it from our Soul.

Psyche – The word psyche is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘breath’ and is equated throughout these pages with our Soul.

Core Self – Is another way of describing our Soul.

Attachment: Term used for an entity or earthbound spirit that is perceived as having ‘attached’ itself into the energy field of a person. The attachment may be external, where it is perceived by psychic within the auric field or internal where it has taken up residence within the body.

Earthbound (spirit): A spirit who, on physical death, has not entered the light of the spirit world but remains attached to the physical dimension and still experiences human feelings.

Ego (ego mind, ego consciousness): The aspect of self, aware of its individuality that has a consciousness, and reflects the different elements, of the physical world. It therefore tends to respond more easily to the needs and appetites of the physical and emotional self as opposed to the spiritual self.

Ego states: These are generally created in response to trauma and act as the psyche’s way of holding painful situations. Each ‘ego’ state holds a fragment of soul consciousness within it and ‘ego’ states generally take the form of an inner character within the psyche, that is reminiscent of when the trauma happened. In this sense they are akin to sub-personalities. The trauma can be released when the ‘ego’ state is contacted and absorbed back into the conscious self or into the ‘Higher Self’.

Energy: A force that has an ability to produce an effect on whatever it is directed towards. This is not purely a physical concept but much wider, where it is sometimes referred to as Subtle Energy. The universe is one indivisible dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so entangled that it is impossible to view them as separate. Everything is energy, which is why we now have medical equipment which scans for what is known as spectral energy to identify disease. See Ch’i.

Entanglement: What Einstein called “Spooky action at a distance” In quantum physics the universe can be seen as an interconnected whole and some psychics are suggesting that psi is the human experience of quantum interconnectedness. See Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

Entity: The term includes any invasive energy, ranging from human and non-human to
thought-forms. Nested Entities are found when one entity is found inside another, is one cause of an attached entity being unable to find the Light.

Ghosts: These are generally human spirits that are still earthbound although they can also be the psychic imprints of people who once lived or died in a particular place. Individuals can become aware of these spirits through their psychic senses.

Guide: All human beings have spiritual help from a guide or guides to help them through different phases of their life. The personal guides are sometimes called “Guardian Angels”. Higher guides are generally more evolved spirits who work with individuals or mediums to give teaching and information, provide protection and facilitate the communication with less advanced spirits. See also Spirit Guide.

Higher Self: This is the aspect of the spiritual Self that is directly in touch with the spiritual realm as opposed to the Soul, which is the aspect of the spiritual Self that is directly linked to the mind and body. The Higher-Self can action changes within the psyche and has the power to eject any spirit intruder if perceived as necessary.

Individuation process: A Jungian term, expressing the process of connecting the spiritual Self with the ‘ego mind’ so that they act in unison. In this way, the person becomes more aware of themselves as a unique and whole individual.

Inner knowing: An aspect of intuition where the individual, making a connection with their spiritual Self, inwardly knows something to be true without any rational or logical explanation for it.

Inner Self Helper (ISH), Inner Wise Being: This term, original coined by Dr Ralph Allison in 1974, indicates a part of the psyche that both knows what needs to be done and can action changes within the Self. It is synonymous with the Higher Self.

Mind: An aspect of the self that is the seat of conscious and subconscious awareness. It links the spiritual self and the emotions.

Mind fragment: A mind fragment of another living person may attach and behave much like a spirit attachment. On questioning, it turns out to be a fragment which has split away from the mind of the other person. Mind fragments usually come from relatives, most often the mother. They may also play a part in black magic (see Curses).

Near Death Experience (NDE): An experience reported by those people who have been on the threshold between life and death. This can sometimes happen spontaneously. Part of the consciousness appears to detach itself from the body and is aware of what is taking place from a perspective separate from the body. Sometimes these individuals will then feel they are travelling through a tunnel of light into another dimension and often report meeting others who they know have already died. (See out-of-body experience.)

Negative energies: Psychic energies that is not conducive to the wellbeing of a person. This can stem from different sources, be of natural origin or human generated and on occasions deliberately directed towards a person with harmful intent. It should be appreciated that the source of the energy need not be bad in itself but an individual might experience this in a disturbing way. An example of this on a physical level is sunlight, which in the right dose can be beneficial but with over exposure cause sunburn. See also dark energy.

Out-of-body experience (OBE): An experience when an individual’s perception of the world seems to originate from outside their physical frame, such perceptions usually engendering the idea that the subjects consciousness or soul has become detached from the body. Sometimes this may brought on by trauma, as in a near death experience. Sometimes it is done intentionally as in astral travelling. OBEs often occur spontaneously during states of sleep or in crisis or trauma situations.

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that is way too much for me to take in at the one time and it sounds very complicated, i would say just talk about it, if it helps you why dont you talk about how it helps you and whats involved,

i have to say that i do believe in the spirit and the soul and how easily they can be mixed up, the way i see it is that the soul resides within our mind and our spirit is linked to the heart,

If you’ve not looked into it all it may seem confusing. i’m interested in the whole area of spirituality, not just spirit release - spiritual emergence/emergency, depth/transpersonal psychology, comparative religion, all sorts. i do see the soul & spiritual realms as realities, & i find it helpful to explore what other people have said about it all. Have also found it helpful to work with alternative/spiritual healers, but i have come to an acceptance of the condition i have in part as an illness, & i also feel that there are limitations as to what other people can do for us, a lot i feel has to come from ourselves - our own path & journey/healing.

[quote]i have to say that i do believe in the spirit and the soul and how easily they can be mixed up, the way i see it is that the soul resides within our mind and our spirit is linked to the heart,

Yes - that is a popular perspective. Lots of writings/perspectives on it all.