Poll: Do you hear voices?

Andy for me, cognitive problems and sleep problems are currently the main problem,
although I had positive and negative symptoms as well.

Like Anna I also get thought insertion telepathic voices and sometimes I hear the voices in my head speaking to me. So yes sometimes I hear voices. Much less on meds. More with stress.

Yes, just a moment ago they were saying how if anyone is contacted by non human lifeforms they are targeted and killed.

They were also saying that itā€™s entirely possible to negate or add to any function in our entire universe, They were like ā€œtime travel muh fuqa!ā€

And also that the spell of aging can be entirely halted and that i could be thirty forever basically, thought that was a bit interesting.

And they of course always mention the first, the first consciousness in the first universe.

Hi @pansdisease, I like to comment here because I think no one was commenting after you!!!

Yes I had the same thing I heard friends voices 24/7 thought they were taping me and watching me through the walls. Its hell. Finally 4 months on meds they stopped. I started banging walls with a hammer because I thought they had my family hidden and were trying to kill them. Not long after I was hospitalized. As soon as I got home the voices were back. I am free of voices for almost a year now. I really hope you get to this point. good luck. Zyprexa!!!

Iā€™m just about 100% auditory 32 years now. Iā€™ve heard it all before. I just tell them they are the only ones who believe their own bs. I never do what they want.


I have luckily never had any hallucinations, only delusions and paranoid ideas.

I would rather deal with positive symptoms than with negative symptoms, anytime.

I heard voices when I went off my meds.Not anymore that Iā€™m on Latuda now.:grinning:

I hardly ever hear voices, in that they talk directly to me, but I do hear music and hear words that people have said to me, but I think it is normal to hear some things in your head and most people have pseudo hallucinations, but it bothers some people more than others.

I hear seven voices a majority of the time, not literally all the time but they have a good go at doing so. I know Iā€™m calm when they narrate me, but like the past few weeks they are visceral, making me paranoid and scared of everyone including myself. I have voices that can be described as my family and people I know but only when I am very distressed but say when Iā€™m in my room and have music on or in a busy place I will hear my mum shout for me, as if she is being attacked but when I find her she is just fine, but it never loses effect. When Iā€™m in public I have thought broadcasting and get crowd voices. I also hear things like helicopters that follow me, alarms, telephones ringing, clicking codes and crying, mine arenā€™t always voices.

Now I do have momengs of silence but they very rarely last very long before one thing is heard.

hi, all day every day for me pretty much most of the timeā€¦
experiencing my first positive delusion and positive voices ever currentlyā€¦ big difference to terror and confusionā€¦