If I could turn back the time

Once I created a list of mistakes I had made in my life. If the time travel was invented, I would go back to some old times and would live my life again. Some of these mistakes have been caused by this my schizophrenia and some are caused by greediness, stupidity and some other reasons. One of my biggest mistake was to have a relationship with an American or any woman in 1990 which made my life one hell years after. As Otto von Bismarck said ‘learn what mistakes others have made and try to avoid these’.

I’ll never time travel because if I ever had the ability I’d have used it to change the past already.

Oh, and I cannot help but post this, it’s really your fault not mine. If I’ve got this in my head now, so will all of you. :smiling_imp:

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Of course there are things every human would love to alter in their life.

I’m sure there are some that I would love to change too… but then… what effect would that have on the now?

Every alteration to the past is going to change the present.

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