How many of you have left the alcohol? And why? - Poll

You have plenty of years to recouperate. Take care of yourself now though, because you only get one body, and if you don’t take care of it now, where will you live when you get older?


I quit. A couple months ag. The drinking, it not only led to more episodes (every day, certainly every week I went phycotic) but I also had a suicide attempt in April. That was the last straw. It wasn’t easy quitting in fact I bought a couple 6 packs since then but I get a reaction from it now. Or an anxiety attack because since I drank hard during my suicide attempt my mind automatically thinks I’m gonna die if I drink. And, I could since I’m on ap’s
I really miss it, but what is there really to miss about drinking? It’s suffering! The reality is it caused me for 2 years to nearly lose my life, my fishing business, to live in poverty, and in trouble, and to lose all control of my mental health. I’m finally putting my life back together now fast and it’s only been less than 2 months sober. Don’t drink
Too high of a price to pay for a couple hr buzz.
Arizona green tea is now my best friend lol! Occasionally il buy odouls- but the habit can lead you into buying real beer so I usually try not to.


I still drink just not often. Maybe every other week or once a month. I also don’t drink alone. Usually I drink with my sister and brother in law.

I’m diagnosted STPD so I figure I have some leeway, and am not ruling alcohol out completely, but definitely putting a limit on drinking. I won’t let myself go full alco again. As for drugs they got thrown out and I never want to see them again ever. For me drugs = instant psychosis.

I hardly ever drink anymore. And usually it’s just because my husband handed me half his drink because he doesn’t want to finish it, and I just drink it because it’s wet (as long as it’s some sort of light cooler drink). I used to drink quite a bit more before I got sick, but since I got sick I just don’t find it interesting anymore. I really don’t know why. I didn’t consciously decide to give up drinking I just stopped drinking. I guess it’s a good thing because it would probably mess with my meds.

But once I recovered from my psychotic episodes and had developed some insight into my illness I also started smoking. So I gave up drinking and started smoking. I guess I’m even then as far as health goes.

I quit cuz girls would try to sleep with me. I’m not gay. I just don’t trust them.

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It just faded away for me, every year I hated it more and more, now I think about it and I want to throw up


We have alcoholism in our family I try to set the example for my wife and kids by not drinking ever. As they are all genetically at risk. Also find it tends to make me sleepy. It’s against my religious beliefs to get drunk and I like to think I could someday set the example for someone struggling with alcohol ,I know it would be hard for them to not know anyone that doesn’t drink. Kinda had an unexpected benefits of my AP’S being a little more stable ,after I quit. I was quite a steady drinker in my teens &20s

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i have a couple beers maybe once a week or every other week

I nolonger drink alcohol.:blush:

I used to binge drink alcohol and get up to mischief when I was drunk.
Something destructive perhaps drove me.
When I had voices the only time I stopped hearing them was when I was drunk or asleep.
But I continued before and after I had them.

I quit drinking alcohol all together for five years I did not drink at all.

Then after five years I made a casserole with wine in it and drank the rest of the wine.
I thought I could keep it at one or two drinks after that.
I was then drinking alcohol for about seven months before I quit again.
I quit again because I got drunk and vomited in my then new boyfriends kitchen.

So I am sober now.

I nolonger drink alcohol!!!:tada::blush::rainbow::ghost::two_hearts::metal:t5:

I drink sugar free soft drink instead.

My boyfriend drinks alcohol but not so often which is good.

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I dont have a problem with an occasional alcoholic drink every now and then. I never developed an addiction to alcohol. I do abstain completely from ciggarettes because one is enough to lead me into zhe addiction to nicotine again. If you ever have been out of control in any addiction, best thing is to abstain completely.

I’m a ‘meal drinker’.

I quit - I have a tendency to binge drink, and can’t drink without binge drinking.

I drink occasionally, maybe 3 or 4 times a month. But I don’t drink enough to get drunk cause I don’t enjoy being drunk, and particularly hate it if I black out and forget what I did or said

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