Horror movies and psychosis don't mix

I watched IT yesterday and wow it was hard to sleep afterwards. Kept having faint images of the clown pop up in my mind. I used to love horror movies but I don’t think I’m going to watch them anymore, doesn’t work with my brain.

The worst combination.
I avoid Horror Movies.

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I avoid horror movies too. I might watch a mild horror movie from time to time, but I don’t understand why someone would want to be so scared.

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Haven’t watched one in years for the same reason.

My world is scary enough,

I don’t need to fuel the crazy fire.


Exactly. Damn you psychosis.


Clowns freak me the hell out

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I just got done watching a black and white silent horror movie… i avoid modern horror… but its mostly because they are just blatantly ripping themes and ideas from the classics… that and the gore bugs me…

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I watched half of Shutter Island and couldn’t take any more bc I knew the delusions were coming up


Shutter Island triggered me beyond belief!

yeah if I’m not feeling well I avoid scary movies, readings and discussions. I call it balancing.

Id rather see scary things than see people observing me

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I 100% agree. Unfortunately I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.

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thats bc psychosis is a horror movie lol