Driving at night

I have a terrible time driving at night. Tonight I noticed I usually drive either too slow- under the speed limit or too fast when I get angered by drivers around me. I believe other drivers in my city know my car by now and try to get back at me for the faults I make on the road or try to teach me by their example such as blinking their hazard lights on and off so i’ll know when to use mine when it’s hard to see. I’m still hearing voices slightly
I think moreso because I got really upset and cried because the chick fil a drive through got my order wrong and i had to go inside.

I’ve had my license for 5 years and i still make mistakes like breaking too early, almost driving down a lane that’s coming towards me, not knowing who has the right of way when turning…ehh…i’ve had my own car for a year. i haven’t driven a whole lot, but i’m just wondering if my mental illness coupled with fear is messing me up on the road or im just dumb.

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Im a noob driver too. Im not good at judging the speed of other cars


Me neither. I have to look at my speedometer frequently and I’m not good at adjusting my speed to sync up with other cars around.

Try to relax and just concentrate. You’ll make mistakes if your tense and thinking too much about it. Driving is something you want to do relaxed…that way you can respond to problems. As with most skills it’s experience that helps. Be confident of your skills…it really is a skill!..and then it’s all about staying relaxed and confident. Don’t worry about other drivers…just do you and go from there!


With practice you should become more comfortable, a lot of people need time to become a better driver. I sometimes wish I could drive. But I would be a complete hazard, especially at night. I always see shadows running beside the car and things jumping out onto the road. Plus with my ASD I am super sensitive to light and cannot STAND looking into the headlights of oncoming traffic without having sensory overload and freaking out. So you’re better than me already! That’s a start! :yum:

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The first person at the stop signs generally go first, but if you arrive at the same time as another person, look to your right, if the car is on your right, they have the ‘right of way.’
If they are on your left, then you have the ‘right of way.’
All four tires coming to a complete stop, and use your turn signal are good to practice at all times.

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I am a very good driver despite the illness…

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