Did you ever smoke weed?

did you ever smoke weed?

weed triggered my breakdown

I am currently stoned.

As per usual.

Weed is a problem for lots of people with mental illness. It causes increased paranoia or triggers intrusive thoughts.

For me, it turns down my schizophrenia volume from an 8 to about a 6.

I just don’t overthink or try to engage with my delusions when I’m high.

When I don’t smoke, its a problem. A problem that usually ends up with me in the hospital.

I know it doesn’t work for everyone, even most, but it saves my life on the regular.

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I get paranoid when smoking weed but only because it is illegal here and smells so strongly so is readily identifiable. I think if it were legal I would probably be ok.


smoked everyday for like a year and it triggered my first episode also makes the voices louder for me if i smoke sativa, indica and cbd strains is ok but indica is still a little risky

cool bro…I smoke it from 13 to 20…I can only handle beer…but im glad you can handle weed and enjoy its effects

I can’t handle weed…full blown psychotic after it…beer only

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if someone can handle and enjoy it without ill effect then it’s OK

Hell yeah. I’m stoned now. Couldn’t smoke for about 8 or 9 months after my episode, though. Things always got too trippy.


I’ve had a few times where I had to cut way back because things got too weird.

But usually things only get bad when I don’t smoke, so when I start smoking again it kicks my ass and I freak out.

So, its a vicious cycle, broken by just being stoned all the time :rofl::smoking: (couldn’t find a joint emoji).

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Right after my psychosis whenever i would smoke i would get way too high and get paranoid and delusional again. And time would pass by really really slow. The only thing that would help was playing my guitar and listening to music.

But now it just affects me like it used to. Calms me down and makes me content with just sitting around the house being bored.

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I never smoked weed but I had a massive cocaine addiction that when I stopped it triggered my episodes

I smoked a fair amount of it in the past. I never really enjoyed the high. Marijuana doesn’t make me feel good. Alcohol was my drug of choice, though pot is probably less dangerous.

Damn that must have been rough. I could never bring myself to do anything like cocaine. No judgement over here, though. I’ve still done my share of drugs. Psychedelics, mixing vicodin with alcohol. There have been times where i abused my prescription ativan and it made me feel good. But now i don’t take it much.

Its not difficult to gain a coke habit.

The stuff is magic and it will ruin your life.

You should be proud you stopped, even if it wasn’t much of an option.

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I have smoked weed consistently since age 16. I was sober for my first psychotic episode, though, but I do know that if I was off meds and it had been a while since I last smoked, positive symptoms would increase…but then again, my suicidality would decrease, so it was a two way street.

Also, it would help me sleep during insomnia attacks, like when I was psychotic, so the hospital would be like stop smoking and i’d be like then give me sleeping pills and they would be like no, then i’d be like then no, too.

I stopped smoking every day lately to afford kickboxing. I’m more agitated, more alert, more prone to sleepless nights, but at least I get to kick stuff lol.

Things I don’t like about smoking: the cost of buying it, the societal stigma, and the risk of harassment by law enforcement.

things i liked: it kept me from hitting rock bottom while suicidal, it kept me mellow, it decreased anxiety, and it makes me enjoy music so much more


It makes me paranoid now. Didn’t use to. Could be a number of contributing factors.

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no weed… work triggered my breakdown…

Makes me tweak balls. any psychadelic just destroys me, i avoid em like the plague

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I dont do psychedelics anymore