Antipsychotics and sex drive issues

Well im making another thread about sexual problems again since iv been on abilify 10mg for awhile now and my sex drive is still at 0… I don’t know what to do now I thought Abilify was the best for this kind of problem but apparently not for me, is there anyone else that has or is experiencing this?

I tried a few herbs that supposedly would help but that didn’t do ■■■■ and honestly I knew it wouldn’t but it was worth a try… now I am wondering if trying another antipsychotic would help? I mean I know I have to try it to see but I am kind of feeling down now after trying abilify I don’t know if another will work :frowning:

Have you ever tried wellbutrin? Often times it increases peoples sex drives.

I haven’t but I don’t think I could try wellbutrin since I have psychosis, I believe it can exacerbate symptoms but im not entirely sure I could ask my pdoc next time I see him.

@revv have you got a girlfriend?

I don’t and don’t really need one at the moment that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to have a sex drive

im on zyprexa and seroxat 15 years, they do surpress sex drive and can cause sexual disfunction in some people

the side effects also mess with hormones

I thought abilify was one of the mildest. The general rule of thumb is that meds with high affinity to d2 receptors , increase prolactin , which in turn reduces the sex drive, prolactin is what is released in the moments after orgasm.

I am on low dose 5mg of abilify,i defitnately had some erection problem.My blood was tested not prolactin problem but the medication just cause it.I had once stopped meds 3 years ago,my sex abilify return after 3 months…but I don’t have any relationship so it’s not really a problem but it’s sad though

Abilify caused sexual problems in me. You could try seroquel, it also caused sexual problems in me. You could try weaning off antipsychotics if you’ve been on long enough.

Abilify rarely causes serious sexual side effects - it usually does not mess with prolactin - maybe there are other reasons for your low libido, sexual dysfunction - I would go see an internist/family doctor and have your blood tested