Accepting schizophrenia as life

How do you do this 15151515

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It took me a while. I discovered that sometimes when I thought I was the most sublime and enlightened I was at my worst. Now I’m doing okay on Geodon and Seroquel. Life isn’t bad.


Same almost I’m on haldol and getting better for the first time in years

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I have sort-of gotten used to the idea that my life revolves around meds. I am still hopeful that I can see further improvement but I am also somewhat resolved to the idea that I may be ill for awhile. I have only been sick for a year and a half so I am hopeful of further improvement. It’s a kind of balance of hope and acceptance.

It is one of the things that we have to do. It has been easier for me to accept, because I had a relative who had it. My older brother has MS and is on medication for life, so I don’t feel like I’m doing it alone.


I accepted that I had schizophrenia a long time ago. I see it as a disease, similar to any other disease, so I feel no shame.

This song has been used by several minority communities that have been stigmatized and made to feel ashamed, and I realize it doesn’t quite fit for schizophrenia, but I hope one day that all people with schizophrenia can feel this way:

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I’ve had sza for 16 years. It gets harder as time goes on. The older I get the more I realize all that I’m missing out on. It sucks, it’s probably a little tiny part of the brain that needs to be corrected and everything else would work fine. The meds make it even harder to accept. I don’t think I’ll ever be "ok"


I have no control over anything in my life.
I used to be the master of my own destiny, if I wanted something I would get it, someway somehow.
I’m now a disabled 39 year old man who can’t go food shopping for himself because I’m afraid I will go crazy. I don’t even feel sorry for myself while writing this. I feel pathetic


I don’t think anyone has much of any control in there lives it’s just how delusional are they to think they have control. Yes we can do things to make us feel like we have some security. But the fact is it all can be pulled out from under us in moment. Syria is a great example. That’s why i put my faith in Jesus. Most people think it’s fullishness but i have more peace having sz than most norms do. I know i post a lot about it but it’s been key my recovery . Not saying I’ve never suffered or may not suffer in the future. But it’s a lot easier with hope of better things to come, beleif that your not doing it alone.


I have accepted it, but my husband wants me to fight it. I don’t know how on earth I can do that.


One day at a time, that’s how I do it.
Some day’s good, some less than good, but they all add up to my lifetime, and if I want the quality to be the best it can, I have to accept it for what I have, then do my best as I am able.


That’s hardcore! I respect you completely for having that attitude. I unfortunately don’t feel the same way and I wish that I did.

What’s to fight the fact that you don’t like the hand you’ve been dealt?

I feel you. I go out by myself all the time but, in the back of my mind, I fear I may lose control and hurt myself, hurt others, embarrass myself by dancing or blurting out. God knows what shenanigans could happen. I have lost control before and it isn’t pleasant…


That is precisely the fear. Fear of losing control somehow. Or just bugging out.

If you have the fear of losing control then chances are you have a good grip on it.
Beware the days where you carry no fear, that’s when it becomes a problem.


You are like a sz Jedi warrior.
You should post more often.


what???!!! :scream: Now I have to remind myself to be afraid on the good days lest I get too comfy and start babbling in fake French while I dance in fake Ballet

It’s either a pitiful shame or hilarious the ridiculous ■■■■ I have done when I lost control

as long as it’s to a fake audience…

All things relative.


The dancing part is what scares me. I think I did the rhumba in a psych hospital with a Nigerian nurse.
I also was spinning once like a mental competitor on dancing with the stars. Most hard to take yourself seriously after something like that.

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