They’re really good when they’re warm - better hurry
What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?
I thought I heard something in the house and couldn’t get back to sleep
My husband is out of town so my sleep is wonky.
I always get up this early. It’s my headaches that wake me and I just can’t get back to sleep. I’m sorry you’re missing sleep, want a muffin?
I would love a muffin!
How many Weight Watchers points are they?
Not that I’m sticking to this diet.
I can’t believe you always wake up this early.
Sorry about the headaches.
That’s normal when sleeping in a new place.
Youre wired to be aware of potential threats in a new sleeping environment. It’s primal stuff…
Eventually you’ll get used to the sounds and will sleep thru it
Thank you. They aren’t as bad as they used to be now that I do some stretches that they taught me at pt. When I woke up at 1, that’s the first thing I did and it helped the headache quite a bit, then I took some tylenol and this other pain med they give me, I forget the name. Now I’m fine, just wide awake. Maybe I’ll take a nap later.
They are probably 1000 points, idk, but they’re free cus they’re a gift, isn’t that how diets work? No? Oh maybe that’s why I’m fat lol.
I’m glad your headache is gone.
Hate that you wake up so early.
I think free gifts are point free!
Id be there in a flash @Leaf! I love baking, and those sound amazing!
can’t wait to meet you!
Same! I’m gonna do some baking myself. I think I’ll make a banana cake and a baked cheesecake, and then take them into work for the staff to eat.
Oh dang, @Leaf please save a mufrin for me!
I dont know if this is something you would be interested in at all, but I had horrid migraines 3 times a week from age 8 to until I started taking geodon. My neurologist told me geodon was being studied for use off-label as a migraine treatment. Definitely helped me a lot. I now only have migraines once a month, during my cycle.
excellent. They’ll really love that.
This was the study, I think.
I’m glad it works so well on your migraines, but these aren’t migraines. They are tension headaches from arthritis in my neck. I just need to religiously do my stretches, stick with my pt so I can get traction and exercise to strengthen the muscles and partly I’m going to have to learn to live with it. It’s not so bad early waking, I kinda like it.
Ahh, gotcha. Well, at least you get beautiful muffins out of the situation!
lol, true and I’ll definitely save you one.
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