Your favourite position

…for sleep. ( um, you didn’t think of something else, right?)

I hug my pillow when I sleep. .my hugging pillow is smaller than the one I sleep with.
I think it started during the pregnancy when I needed a platform for my stomach lol.
Good night.
Have a sweet dreams!


Cuddled up with Mrs. Pixel. Sleeping in the chair with the cat on my chest is okay, too.



Short stop and left field :slight_smile:


Sleeping on my side with a pillow between my legs.

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i sleep in the recovery position lol no joke


I am sleeping in the fetal position or on my stomach most nights…guess I’m parcel in my childhood right now.

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too much liberalism had me thinking otherwise… I like the firefighter position. Sleeping at the dinner table, sleeping sitting around… i’m a side high stepping runner pose sleeper


I must have a blanket even when it’s summer! :flushed:

You guys, you so sweet with your Mrs.@shutterbug, Mrs.sith …now I want to call my boyfriend Mr.Sarad but it doesn’t sound so sweet :imp:


In winter, curled up like a ball. In summer, I do the starfish.

i sleep up side down, like a bat :relieved:

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It doesn’t matter as long as I am engaged in active thinking of the future. I am my beds king.

I like sleeping front down, face turned to the right on my pillow with a slight fetal position for the rest of my body. I switch from left to right facing all through out the night many times unconsciously. My bed is usually a wreck in the morning and I have to be on a large bed or I disturb female company I move around so much.

Snoring is another matter all together.

I pray for a day when someone will invent a cure for snoring. Sometimes it breaks people’s marriage, for real. :scream:

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I sleep on fox style.some time also in a cowboy position and sometime upside down.don’t thing negative i was taking to my pillow…have a goog day ahead.take care…sayonara …

My favorite positions are too complicated to explain.

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Lol :sunglasses:

Kama sutra

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Shooting guard in basketball

I sleep doggy style

That’s my favorite position

No really I sleep flat on my back. Sometimes I wake on on my side but never on my stomach

I’m sure there is something psychological about the way we sleep. I haven’t heard of it in school though. Time to google search


i hang from the ceiling like a bat… it’s a sith thing !?!
take care :alien: