Poll : What position do you sleep in?

I usually sleep on my sides. How about you?

  • On my sides
  • On my back
  • On my stomach
  • A combination of these throughout the night
  • Other

0 voters

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Wife: “How did you sleep last night?”

Me: “Horizontally.”


Sort of on my side, chest and stomach. Very rarely on my back.

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I sleep on my sides and keep switching from one side to the other.


I usually sleep on my right side facing away from my ex’s side of the bed. I don’t know how I’ll sleep when I have the bed all to myself. On my back, spread eagle, right in the middle? lol.

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95% of the time I sleep on my stomach.

Occasionally on my side but when I do that sometimes my arm and side goes numb.

I can’t fall to sleep on my back or sitting up.

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I’m a side sleeper, always have been

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I sleep in the air.


Always on my side but flipping back and forth until I’m soundly asleep

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Laying down on my bed

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I sleep in the lotus position

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Disappointed that doggystyle isn’t an option.


I sleep in my side.
When I sleep on my stomach, I can’t breathe. When I sleep on my back, I get sleep paralysis.

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Frankly - In the Feotal position with a face mask , and an alexa skill called “sleep jar” that plays among other things, sounds of rain all night lol.

I have to have background noise whilst sleeping - or the condescending cow i call “vicky” creeps in and starts commenting. lol :slight_smile:


I sleep on my sides, always… but it happens sometimes, that I wake up and I am on my back :slightly_smiling_face: hugs

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Usually on my sides. Sometimes I wake up on my back. I don’t think I ever sleep on my belly.

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I can’t tell. I’m asleep.

I usually wake up at the foot of the bed.

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Wow, why do you guys think there are so many side sleepers?

For me it’s just the most comfortable position. My back feels uncomfortable if I sleep on it and if I’m face down I have to turn my head to breathe, so side always works. I switch sides every so often though.

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