I think fruit punch Monster, or the Red can Monster (not sure what the flavor is).
Don’t think I can handle an energy drink. I think I had one once and didn’t like it. Plain old coca cola will be fine.
The only energy drink I ever had was red bull and I didn’t really like it.
I like Amps, and monsters, but I hardly drink them lol
Red Bull original is fine for me
Black cherry Mio
venom watermelon lime
monster pipeline punch is pretty good too
Rockstar. Those are good. Just the regular flavor is all they have.
I like the sugar free Monsters. I think they’re in a white can.
I tried Rockstar once without realizing it was an energy drink. The irregular heartbeat after was something else. Tasted good, but not worth the trouble it causes me.
I take mostly amp but i like monster,raptor and volt too i drank a 2 liter raptor bottle with a friend once.
I love the Monster Mule. Itsa ginger brew.
I still love instant coffee.
I used to live off pro plus caffeine tablets and lucozade when I was pulling 13 hour night shifts in a nursing home. Swear I could smell it my sweat. Took me hours to wind down at 9am. Being wired was an understatement.
Different colored Red Bull’s,
Organic rockstar is probably my fav
I like the Mean Bean and Kona Blend Monster Java Energy Coffee drinks
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