You ever wondered if we are seeing into other dimensions?

If it was I would happily close my eyes to it…

But multiverse theory, as little as I know of it, seems bad metaphysics to me… I was under the impression that the idea is that there is no interaction what so ever between the supposed multiple universes. That makes it unprovable, as @Wave says. When we decouple the notion of truth from that of proof, in my opinion, we can make our lives very difficult.


Then I can find you in the time store…frequent flyers no doubt…

From what I understand, they have successfully created quantum computers, known as D-Wave. This system works by using two different theoretical proposals, like superposition and entanglement. The system is essentially a gigantic freezer that cools the system down to absolute zero, which is considerably cooler than the vacuum of space. I watched a short lecture on these quantum computers, that basically stated it works by exploiting parallel universes, using quantum entanglement. If you’re current with world media, than you probably already know that the Chinese recently teleported information from one photon (a light particle) on the ground, to another photon in a satellite that’s currently orbiting earth, by using this same principal the quantum computers use, known as quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is basically when two particles become coherent with each other, and what’s described as a tiny umbilical cord that connects the two light particles, which allows the possibility to teleport qbits of information; or at least that’s Michio Kaku’s explanation on Big Think. No matter how great the distance is between the photons, the information from particle a is instantly received in particle b, or vice versa. This is similar to what Albert Einstein discussed on the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, which is a fancy way of saying wormhole. Einstein’s description of Relativity, explains that spacetime can be folded in half and an Einstein-Rosen Bridge can be created from point a to point b, making space travel short and simple.

This concept is similar to quantum entanglement, but is definitely it’s own separate theoretical proposal and mathematical explanation; but if my memory serves me correct, Einstein explained quantum entanglement as a “spooky reaction”. This explains that a particle can be in two different places at once. Telepathy is supposedly impossible without the help from machines (like radio enhanced telepathy), because you’d have to get the whole brain to become coherent with another brain, which there are far too many atomic particles to achieve those results.

However, one could argue that the psychological and spiritual body could have their own existence in another dimension, parallel reality, or universe; where the psychological or spiritual body could communicate outside of quantum entanglement on it’s own independent theoretical proposal, supported by mathematics. Furthermore, we have our own light particles in our body, known as bio-photons; and, these organic light particles could potentially produce some of the same principals that normal photons exhibit in quantum entanglement.

That would be like your physical brain and body producing results like a quantum computer, since the human brain is basically an organic quantum computer; however, this occurrence would be unlikely, depending on the individual you’re discussing it with. We know that quantum theory provides us with the necessary documents to propose that humanity, nature, and the cosmos, are all connected on the quantum scale. This information on “everything being connected” is debatable, because people on the internet have a nasty act of taking theoretical proposals and filling in the blanks themselves, which can make it difficult to acquire the facts demonstrated in mathematical explanation.

There’s all kinds of quantum consciousness materials on the internet that attempt to explain this phenomenon in quantum physics, but it’s difficult to inspect credentials and university degrees on the article publishers. Here’s what we do know, schizophrenia is difficult to treat, because they have no idea what causes the mental illness; they’re assuming it’s inherited from within the genome, but that’s inconclusive results at this point in time. Researchers say, if they’re able to isolate the gene that’s theoretically manifesting the mental disorder through a specific portion of the genome, that they’ll be able use what’s known as Genetic Editing, to “edit” the isolated gene.

For the first time, we’ll be able to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and chronic depression; assuming they’re clinical research programs actually provided them with experimental evidence that’s accurate, then future doctors will be able to provide better treatment for these three mental illnesses. Currently, the only relief a psychiatrist can provide an individual with, is by prescribing psychotropic pharmaceuticals that actually treat the secondary diagnosis of schizophrenia, the dopamine and serotonin imbalance. You’d think this “future cure” would present the necessary evidence that schizophrenia is genetically inherited, but it still doesn’t provide an explanation for the auditory hallucinations and delusions; but, I’m sure they have a theoretical explanation in neurological sciences.

They’ll also need to provide an explanation for the individuals that are born deaf, that get diagnosised with schizophrenia and also suffer auditory hallucinations. The point of mentioning that, is because an individual that’s deaf at birth, hasn’t experienced any auditory processing in their lifetime and their brain wouldn’t have developed the necessary components for interpreting sound. However, like magic, the deaf individual experience auditory hallucinations. It’s actually complex when you think about it. This demonstrates that all these variables have to be accounted for, before a psychiatrist or psychologist can honestly provide an explanation for schizophrenia that’s not based on ignorance and unfinished research.

Anyways, if you think you’re experiencing some kind of otherworldly phenomenon during psychosis or a psychotic episode, there’s actually nobody that can tell you what you’re experiencing and they can’t truly provide you with any form of certainty. I still have what my psychiatrist and psychologist label as, “delusional behavior, psychotic episodes or psychosis” and I’ve been medicated on this antipsychotic for the last sixteen months. Just remember to remain open minded and don’t forget, harmless creativity doesn’t require a psychological diagnosis, neither does your personal explanations you’ve acquired in various fields of physics and spirituality.


P.S. good luck on your journey!