You can cry?

Most of the time i feel like a robot without feelings and emotions. For me cry is a pleasure, i usually have an inability to cry but i feel so damn good when i can do it, i feel “alive”.


I rarely cry, maybe once every two years. But like you, I feel alive when I cry!


Havent cried since I started Invega. Wanna come of it.


I understand. Nowadays i can cry. And i feel alive too. It is not difficult anymore


I’m not sure if I can cry anymore. I didn’t even cry when my dad died six years ago. I can’t laugh, either, but I haven’t laughed since I was a little kid. I think I was just put through too much ■■■■, with the sexual, physical, and psychological abuse, and neglectful parents.


I rarely cry also. Things are tough but I don’t really cry.

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I still cry occasionally, sometimes it helps

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i dont know i havent tried dont think i want to cry

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I’m off my Abilify. I cried for the first time in years last week. Well tears rolled down my face but I wasn’t bawling :cry:

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I rarely cry, almost never, I smile and laugh much more, even when I am alone.

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It’s hard for me to cry on invega

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I don’t cry often, I’m not an emotional person by any means. I still teared up a bit on the last day of my last California trip. I was very sad to leave. Also sometimes I get hung up thinking about the cat I had from age 6 to 27 and I cry just a little bit. I really miss her.

Rare stuff though, and usually not in front of people.

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Last time I cried was about 4 years ago when I put my dog down. It’s hard to cry on all these meds.

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Maybe I need a Bob to cry…

I cried at this friends families home yesterday in front of all of them!!
Hw embarrassing. I was overwhelmed by hw cute the baby and mum were

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No, I can’t cry. When I was psychotic I cried a lot for no reason and after my episode I never cried again, it has been more than 6 years without crying :man_shrugging:

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Invega robbed my emotions for over a year, but now im back to normal. I can laugh and cry now. I cried at my aunt’s funeral last year and again at my friends wedding back in march. I’ve never teared up much, usually just on special occasions.

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ho its so hard when you cant feel to the deeps, i war there, until they redoes my meds i also was a robot, you should talk with your doctor

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I find it hard to cry most of the time but occasionally I cry for odd reasons.

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