Yesterday was my mom and dad's anniversary

My sisters invited me to my parent’s condo to have supper and a visit. I really want to go but I’m in a weird state of mind. I don’t want to feel uncomfortable and i don’t want my family to feel that way either. I have about 4 hours to decide.

I think you should go. Do your parents know that you have a mental illness?

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Depression lies to you. It tells you nobody wants you around, and that you’re a buzzkill. That isn’t true. Your family loves you and wants to see you.


Yes they do. My family is very supportive


I’m sure your parents will be very appreciative that you’re there considering that it’s not easy for you.

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I talked to my sister. She said she would love it if I came even if I just stay an hour. So I’m going to try that. They are eating around 5-5:30. That gives me two hours to get a load of laundry done. Almost all my clothes are dirty.

I’m glad your going, family love can be a healing thing

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