Xbox or playstation

which one is better ?

I have both. They are both good.

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playstation has more games library i think

i cannot wait for x box series x or playstation 5

x box is more powerful. xbox one x doesnt have street fighter5

I never had a PS4.
I had a PS3.

So I’m going to get a PS4 slim

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I love my PlayStation, I prefer the controller style. The library of games, the monthly pass of games. Exclusives.

And I’m saving up for a PS5

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dont buy now. wait till ps5 it comes holiday this year


I know. But I already bought some PS4 games. I got the best hits.

Maybe I should wait. Hopefully the ps5 is backwards compatible

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It is, that’s been confirmed it’s backwards compatible with PS4.

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Wow really

This changes everything



You can’t expect to get an unbiased response from me on that ever lol.

It’s a question that won’t be answered except by bias mostly anyway.

I mean the next gen is already in production so… There isn’t going to be an answer.

It’s just a matter of preference.

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I will wait. Probably get Xbox for the power

What games do you play on each?

Nintendo is very poor in comparison with playstation and xbox

On PS4 we have Call of Duty, Days Gone, Red Dead Redemption, new Modern Warfare and Black Ops 4, plus the Game Pass.

Xbox 1 we have too many to remember. Hubby does games reviewing and gets a lot. He has the xbox game pass.

We like games.


Playstation won the console war vs x
Xbox this round, and if Xbox doesn’t get some good exclusives then p
Sony will win the next round too.

I’m sad I got the Xbox 360 amd Xbox 1 instead of a PS4 and PS3. I missed games such as the Last of Us and part 2 comes out later this year.

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I think what you need to ask yourself is what games you are looking to play more so than which console is “better”.

I don’t know much about specs and computers but I can tell you “power” is a hard thing to define and harder to determine as an important factor in design.

I know that what made PlayStation so popular back in the day over N64 despite power differences – of which N64 was considered better – was it’s value to the developers themselves.

The PlayStation flourished in that time because of it’s ease of use for developers which offered a variety of games/genres for us to explore/play.

And in regards to specs some games (for similar reasons) are not well geared to run smoothly on some “more powerful” systems. And that’s because it depends on the hardware that the game is designed around.

It’s pretty complex but still comes down to: what are you looking forward to playing? There will likely be an instance in which a game runs better on one console over the other and that may be the game you want to decide on the console with.

But yes. There isn’t a black or white answer.

As for me the only thing I’m looking forward to at present is D4 which I prefer and like to play on PC. Not that its bad or inferior on any other system. Just a preference.

I have xbox one, but I don’t see any reason to get xbox over ps4. PS4 has a much better game library.

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