Write your best weight loss hack ✍️

My weight is holding steady. I think it is because of all the green tea I have been drinking. It makes me piss a LOT. That keeps my weight down, but I’m afraid that if I quit drinking green tea my weight would shoot up.

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Look and plan for a long road. Short term losses are a bonus, but realistically a diet takes months or years. Sometimes a weight sticks for weeks and if you haven’t planned for that it gets disconcerting and give up on a diet, especially after initial success.

I had a goal of losing 6kg or so and 4 and half months later I have broke the 74kg mark with a loss of 5kg. It has taken ages and my weight plateaued several times. I just carried on eating the same amount, as though that is the way I eat now, rather than being on a diet.

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Well, if you’re peeing a LOT, sounds like all you’re losing is water weight. Is that what you want @crimby ?

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I had a recent med change from risperidone depot to the oral form. This is supposed to be fattening but instead I lost 3.6 lbs. recently. I’m now down to 161.0 lbs. My goal is 158 lbs.
I drink a lot of flavored, no sweeteners, sparkling water and a lot of black, no sweeteners, decaf coffee. They are what keep me sane.

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Maybe I’ll try green tea I heard it has effects on weight loss thanks

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Must feel great to be so close to your goal :blush:

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Thank you!
My grandpa was a good cook. I’ve had very mixed results lately. I’m trying to get better with cooking.


I’d like it better if I was losing body fat, but I don’t mind losing the water weight. I don’t feel dehydrated.


Skip lunch and try - if you can - to get used to the feeling of hunger at least 4 hours a day.
If i can’t ignore the hunger i eat bread without butter or anything.
(i know it is not as simple as that if you get serious cravings for food)


Wow that’s actually a really good idea…to stick with like a fixed amount of hunger… like decideding not to eat for atleast 4 hours is a good idea even if you’re a bit hungry. Thanks.


Great you can use it, @ThePoet !! Weight loss usually means getting used to be hungry for a while (one of my friends said that and he lost 5 kilos).


Yes it does feel great! And thank you.


This is what I do a lot: skip lunch. Really minimizes the calories. I can’t always do it but I do it whenever I can.


Intermittent Fasting works… 16:8 to start… 16 hr fast… 8 hour window… so like eating window of 10 am -6pm , 11-7 pm or 12 -8 pm.


Hi id say drinking lots of water both with meals and without. Obviously dont over do it but with moderation also going out and working/exercising and getting a good nights sleep

My tip is to do 3 long walks a week and regularly replace a meal by a protein shake.


Thats what I always do, now I know its fasting :sweat_smile:


I never feel hungry in the morning until 1pm. I wakeup at 8-9am. I don’t eat after 9pm. I sleep at midnight.


1pm -9 pm yeah 8 hour window… still have to watch calorie intake… use carb manager app… plan meals ahead of time.


That sounds like such a good idea. I just haven’t been able to get my mind around intermittent fasting I guess… It takes some effort to establish a strict schedule. Eating 3 meals a day but meal prepped works for me…when I eat 2 meals I feel like it’s too much food lol. Maybe it’s cause I have intestinal problems.