Wow i made a cool youtube video of something I wrote 5 days ago


@far_cry0 you told me to make something of me speaking so I did and put it on youtube!!


I am wide awake its just 1,15 am .

I may go back to aleep.

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get some sleep man!

@flameoftherhine @Ninjastar @Hedgehog @tera @Montezuma @kindness please check out my video you all are good friends I think you guys will like it!


Awwww thank you for thinking of me J.

Dude I’m so proud of you/and happy for you.

I know we’ve talked in the past, and I know this was the main delusion you struggled with.

Peace Brother :v:

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I don’t have wifi yet, but it should be set up later today and then I can watch it.

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That’s beautiful, @Jonnybegood. I appreciate your thinking of me. Honored.
To be free of anything that held you in misery is a huge relief and cause for celebration! Clarity and awareness are wonderful things. :heart:

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I just watched it finally. I’m glad you’re doing so much better now!