That’s a hard one. I might take the cash even though I see Bitcoin hitting 100k in a couple years.
I see bitcoin hitting zero in a couple of years. So I’d take the cash.
I would go with cash.
In trident layers only
I don’t even know what Bitcoin is
You could grow that cash faster than bitcoin,
I think.
Cash 1555444444555
I’ll take mine in cash, please.
Cash most definitely
fair enough. I have no assets or cash and so cash would be nice and quick and useful. Bitcoin has the potential to go to zero, get hacked, lost, stolen, or go up by a lot. It’s risky but upside. A million dollars is a lot of money and could last a lifetime. If I had money already, I would probably go with the bitcoin. It depends on the risk profile and age group I think. If bitcoin goes to 100k, then that’s like 9 million dollars instead of 1 million, ,but then cash can be invested too although I doubt as fast. There are safer things.
Cash. 151515151515
Definitely bitcoin. Then I’d buy some hot altcoin. I used to study the hell out of those markets.
i’d take the money, bitcoin 10 years ago would have been interesting though. i don’t know a lot about bitcoin and it seems like a bit of hype to me, since it can be imitated by competitors.
It can be forked easily but the forks have far smaller communities behind them, if any at all. Also they have no tenure, so their value is miniscule.
I’ve never dabbled in bitcoin bc I still don’t understand it.
But so far I’ve been really wrong. Some would say the feeling is almost now like I’m ‘shorting it’ by not holding any of it.
That’s how they ‘get you’ though haha
my goal is to understand the white paper some day and then read the source code or at least get an understanding of it and a feeling of it before I try to create my own blockchain or invest heavily into crypto (bitcoin). I don’t want to make mistakes like I have my whole life. At least if I make some mistakes it won’t be because of stupidity this time.
I think blockchain has a lot of applications for the future.
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