Worst insults?

Whats the worst insults you have gotten?
Or just any insult.

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i have been told that my vagina is as wide as a swimming pool

oh not true btw!

he was just a manipulative bully

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I have been told that my face is as wide as a road sign

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I have been told that I am a hairy shapeless maggott



Probably my dad saying it’s ‘offensive’ for you to think we don’t love you. Felt like negotiating or brinkmanship or a corporate type word, he’s got all of them down pat…


I find insults to be funny and not really insulting me.

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English language doesnt have any good insults, old english insults are just silly. Im from eastern europe, where isnults sound really harsh and offensive


I once did not lend an unreliable person money and he told me you cokroaches will get what you deserve


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Someone once told me ‘yo mama is so fat she never skips breakfast’. I was not amused.


One time in a moment of weakness I’ll admit, I said to my folks my sis and BIL are just ‘minus signs’ in my life.

My Dad said to me something like: ‘[Well that’s not nice]; are your mother and I minus signs too?’.

He loves having himself victimized and that’s not what a father figure IS, according to my travels on planet earth.

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My parents don’t believe in me at all.

I thought moving on of their house would change this. It did not


Probably something about being fat…

Or something about me being awkward. They weren’t trying to insult me I don’t think… but I hate when people say I’m awkward, I’m self conscious about it

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That I’m a bug eyed alien and I will never be loved.

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When I was in high school a teacher told me I would never get married, no one would ever love me and that I was ugly. So far he’s mostly right. It doesn’t bother me but that moment in my life stuck with me for awhile.

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Oh that reminds me a teacher said to me, during term time when we were learning about Macbeth,

Are you turning into one of the witches because of my spots on my face.

It was meant to be funny.


That I smell bad, but it’s true lol.


People can be cruel.


Nothing worth mentioning lately. @anon40540444 needs to up his game.

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i used to get called banana head at high school…it did hurt me and made me very self conscious about my head shape

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Got called a pedo in the last town when i was delusional and said i was an Angel for Children.

I genuinly love all little babys - they make me smile. I would love to be a Daddy again.

The local smackhead junkies took it the wrong way tho, and twisted it to their own perverted way of thinking :frowning:

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