Hey. Anyone on world lf warcraft the burning crusade? Im looking for someone to play with.
You know WotLC is coming soon?
Im gonna roll a new Rogue on current tomorrow. They gave my Shadowlands for free recently. I was never gonna buy it so Im glad I can prep for next expansion now.
Thats wrath of the lich king right? Yeah. I never played it. I just got into WoW recently. Let me knkw when you play. Id love to have someone to quest with.
I play on shadow lands
I think they’re making some fresh servers for Wotlk, probably going to play on one of those. Actually, I think they come out today with the prepatch.
Not to hijack your thread @pasteyface but I got sort of depressed the other day looking back on how happy I felt playing vanilla with my friends back in the day and how different it is now and how I cant get those times as a kid back.
I tried to play Shadowlands, but I really dont like the story and the changes to the lore. It feels like someone made it who doesn’t understand very basic story telling.
I played for a few hours today but it wasn’t make me feel happy. It made me feel sad at what once was.
I am tempted to play just for the gear and to ignore the story but it is more difficult than I thought it would be as it makes me feel bad.
Yeah the story is lame. I mostly play for the gear. I like doing dungeons. Im not much for raiding because i dont understand how to not die. Ive only done one raid succesfully
Yeah. Prepatch today. The servers are down most of the day. Im still trying to level my mage. Im lvl 15. Long ways to go
Wanna play sometime? I have a lvl 60 and 56
Great game, im buying a laptop this month and gonna start again.
Believe i had a 70 undead lock, 70 human lock, 66 blood elf lock and a 68 undead warrior
I’m thinking about coming back because of wrath prepatch. What faction are you? All my chars are ally and lowish level.
Im horde in the Whitemane server
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