Working now?

You are gonna knock em dead. My piece of advice is don’t be afraid to ask to put them on hold. It will give you breathing room to find the right answer.

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Carl Sagan… or maybe not… I don’t know anymore

-Pay off my debts
-Buy a house
-Pay off my mom’s car, so my 90 year old grandfather doesn’t have that burden anymore
-Furnish my home with all my dream decor
-Buy antique furniture and learn to restore it
-Maybe start my own business dealing with antique and vintage items
-Donate money to our local homeless shelter and humane society in my mother’s name
-Start a college fund for my daughter
-And save the rest and let it collect interest


It’s a really lousy gift, though. I’m gonna pack it up and send it to you.

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Keep it, please, it’s yours and I wouldn’t know what to do with it.

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If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Lol. Flying for sure

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Also it’s on its way. To: Minnii, c/o PORTUGAL. Unsure of proper postage however.

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Ahaha! You’re giving me the flying ability??? Omg, you’re my best friend !!! Ahaahah

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Invisibility would be the best…

Walk into any bank and walk out with the dough…get to peek in on your neighbors…etc.


If I could have one superpower it would have to be flying too.

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