not really sad I guess…frustrated is a more apt word to describe how I feel…my niece has covid so she can’t come to thanksgiving and bring me the painting…probably see her at Christmas though so just one more month…
I’m sorry. But at least you don’t have to risk exposure
I love abstract art. I’ve tried my hand at it but haven’t painted in a long time. I remember you’re a painter from the old site. Are you still doing that these days?
why thank you @disciple no I don’t paint anymore…lost the lust for it I guess…
I hope your niece is ok
Same here. I’d like to try it again but I’ve always been a writer, not a painter. That’s where my strengths lie and that’s what i genuinely love to do. I’d like to read your book when I’m in a position to spend a little extra money. Things are pretty tight right now but it is on my list.
@Leaf she has only had it four days and my sister says it took her a full ten days to be over it so I am hoping my niece is o k too…she is a teeny thing…
@disciple that is so nice of you to remember my book…thank you.
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