Why most of you are good?

My uncle’s on my moms side are terrible alcoholics does that count as bad? I don’t get along with them but I don’t think that means they’re bad people… my mom loves them.

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Ya and no. The illness warps your reality and it is hard to tell when you’re in the middle of things just how badly you’re behaving because you can justify a lot of things to yourself. The shame that hits when you sober up and realize exactly what you behaved like is one of the most humbling things a person can experience.


Same here. Also, I think it’s nice to be nice :smiley:


Totally agree, @cathart1c :slightly_smiling_face:


I had a bestie who was bad. She was probably a sociopath. Luckily I escaped that friendship. I am not bad.


Hell yeah man!

Being nice to people is punk af.



I feel or think innocence of not knowing much as a kid was a bliss.

There is something really curious to know.

Any living thing that were before the age onset that hits them of the responsibility.

Becomes so cruel or serious that those living things dont look cute or cuddly.

I wonder why any living being before it hits the full gowth looks so beautiful. Even plants compaired to full grown trees.

Why is it ? Are we designed to be selfish once everything grows older.

Edit: i found the word its called kindchenschema

And i think i did not look cute.

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Kinderschema, kawaii, interesting topic

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@SacredNeigh7 , a best friend doesn’t ghost you.


His religion is very strict but you are right.

Most people ghost me.

I broke up with my x because he ghosted me.

I isolate because people are disrespectful n I rather be alone than talked down at etc
I “have to” meet “family “ couple times a year to keep living where im at.

My “sister “ has career , husband, children, house and friends she has dinner parties n holidays with every weekend n socialite she has everything yet still hates on me and puts me down n disrespects n compares herself etc .
Be grateful for all you have instead of hating on me etc

I would love a place where I feel home.
Only place I felt at home was in sa.

Grateful to have food n roof over head etc though.

I don’t have friends perhaps.
I have Anders.
Everyone else ghosted me.

Better be alone than disrespected etc

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Anders is in another country and doesn’t have internet.

I have family that mistreats me too. I know it’s hard to deal with. I’m sorry some of your family is not nice to you.

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They think they are superior to me.

They talk down at me, disrespect me and give of hateful vibes or behave fake n yuck.

Avoid them as much as possible but “have to” meet them sometimes to keep living here n I’m not so independent as such.

My only concern is that you regularly talk about all sort of people treating you that way. So there’s a chance you have paranoia and/or delusions. Do you talk to mental health professionals about this?

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No it’s not paranoia.

They brag that they “own” the town we live in so I’m sure they can easily incite hate towards me.

Everyone knows them.

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I’m driven to be not susceptible to blackmail

I think most people are neither as good or as bad as they think they are. There are people who are mostly bad, and people who are mostly good, but most of us exist somewhere in between. Even Mother Theresa had her detractors.

I need to qualify that. I said MOST people, not ALL people. If the morality of people’s lives was put on a graph it would look something like the classic “Bell Curve”.

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“We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.” ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, Chapter 5, How It Works.

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One quote I remember from somewhere in AA literature - “The grouch and the brainstorm are the dubious luxuries of so called normal people.”