Why am i not ill like you?

they Harasses while i am on computer
they play with search results they block website
they make unreal forums
they replace words in websites
they make my computer hangs
they make words make no sense
why i am 8 years not ill like you ?
why they torture me ?

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Its a damn disease u r suffering iits called sz…

they want me undoubted whether i ill or not ill
they want me never recover

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Are u talking about ur family …!!!

people remotly control my computer
i dont where they come from
why they control me

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Okay delusion…are u off medication. …take it bro its necessary. …


where you from
i am very curious
you Philippino ?

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I don’t think you should be considering getting off meds at this point… you need them. No shame in that, most of us do.

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I am nepali…From Nepal …!!! Have u ever heard the name of my country …

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I suspect you are a lot like me and other folk around here. I’ve been in similar states. I got through all that.

Take the medication.


Dang man id so scaveneged that for a deep and meaningful song :o

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