Who is attracted to you?

The asexual community

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Hell if I know, for one I don’t find myself attractive at all. And two, I’m pretty oblivious to when people are flirting with me. I often think they’re just being nice


Oh! Got it :slight_smile: Thanks @Pikasaur

Maybe someone with poor vision? Really no one and I like it that way

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No one as far as I’m aware.:thinking::thinking:

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My left hand, that’s about it. But it never respects me the night after.

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i honestly dont know people look at me like im an extraterrestrial


Lol! That’s funny!

Hey there wink wink :wink:

Girls liked me when I was in high school and college (uk terminology) but now that I’m fat nobody is interested. I need to lose 30 kg to get the ladies interested again…

Everyone used to be attracted to me. Both male and female. And I mean everyone.

Now, no one is. All it took was getting older.

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I don’t know who is attracted to me, all the girls I had relationships had the same age as me. I don’t think that age matters that much in a relationship…

Tbh I think the one of the worst things about this disease is feeling like crap most of the days, so if someone is interested I usually take more time to noticed cuz I’m jailed in my own world…

Out of the whopping 3 people I’ve been involved with, they’ve all been roughly my age. Two of them were 2-3 years older, the other was 6 years younger than me.

Dating is hard, and my low self confidence doesnt really help that haha.

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An older woman was attracted to me and so was this other girl.
This was in the psych hospital 3 years ago.

I was a lot thinner in the hospital.

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Geez. I mostly forgot about this but when I was in my teens and into my twenties older women were such a turn on. I mean like women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. I wanted an older girlfriend so badly, they were so exciting to me. And at that age it’s actually a good match because men are typically at their sexual peek at 19-21 and women are in theirs at age 40.

I got hit on in the hospital more than I did in real life over the past five years. It’s so weird to me. I wouldn’t think that’s a good place to say you met someone. Oh i met him at the psych ward.

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What does this mean arent you 58 or something? So do you know like women in their 80’s?

I said when I was 19 didn’t I?

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Just kidding.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i think i look ok apart from a swollen belly due to meds, my gf likes me the way i am anyway and she is 31, she’s very thin though size 6 uk waist lol