Who here speaks another language than English

English, French and Italian.

I never took the time to learn French but would like to now

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I want to learn French, but at the moment I speak Finnish and English.

I can speak Spanish and German.


I think I could learn languages other than English if I just applied myself. I know a smattering of Spanish. I learned a little German when I was in the army, but I have forgotten most of that. Same with the French I took in high school. When I was growing up I knew some Cherokee cuss words. There was this row of houses near where we lived that housed nothing but Cherokee Indians. Some of the older Cherokees didnā€™t speak any English. They only knew Cherokee. I think there are still places back in the eastern Oklahoma hills where Cherokee is the predominant language. I think there are some Creek that the Creek language is there predominant language.

Only swedish and english. Didnt pay enough attention to spanish and german in school. Too bad, wouldā€™ve been nice too know more languages.

I speak Estonian.

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Cuz u from Estoniaā€¦!!!

Oh cool!

Iā€™m Dutch! :slight_smile: Why are you learning Dutch?

I speak Dutch (native language) and English, some German and a few words in Mandarin, Portuguese, Arabic and French. I used to be able to speak Mandarin well enough to order food or have some small talk, but I lost nearly all of it. Such a waste! :frowning: In Arabic I used to be able to say their full main prayer. Now I only know a few basic words.

Yes im in Estonia but Estonia is becoming Usa bit by bit every day. Soon Usa will have another state.

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Man, German is hard to learn.

Thatā€™s very interesting

I can get by in Spanish.

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