Who here appears normal?

Yeah, I see no indication of jealousy in waves posts. Any case mouse your okay in my book. Just thought I’d level the perspective of the thread. Seeming normal is important to me I think about it all the time and im pretty normal because of it. I just hallucinate a lot. No one would guess I’m schizo I get all sorts of odd reactions when I talk about it. I prefer to say if anything that I had a psychotic breakdown. Unfortunately no one knows what I’ve been through and no one ever will. As isolating as that feels I can move forward and live a normal life next to the bs.

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@Wave and @jukebox, you would be remiss to pile on @mortimermouse without first taking a look at yourselves. Everyone has their faults as @SzAdmin said. Mouse is 21 and headstrong. I will give you that. But he’s also a good example of someone working towards recovery, regardless of his sexuality or how much of a braggart you find him to be. He came to the realization quickly that he needs meds…how long have so many of us fought that notion? So please, I ask the both of you to stop attacking him.


Thank you for that thought; I appreciate it! I’m glad you’ve had improvement, try to live in the moment; if you fear it coming back, it will! But I’m just as guilty, the thought of going out of the house three days in a row is terrifying me. I’m trying mindfulness and focus elsewhere.

Take care, keep it up!

i thought you were talking about my hideous good looks haha but thats impossible, my beauty is infinitesimal, you can tell by the way i walk :stuck_out_tongue:

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All of us come here because we need this place for one reason or another. In that sense there are no inferior or superior posters.
Time often dulls the cockiness that some young people have and makes for a more measured and wiser person.


I appear pretty normal to family and neighbors and people I talk to. The most abnormal thing about me now is I need 12-16 hours of sleep a day.

Beware the shadow self.


I can’t keep shut here, I understand waves frustration as mouses behavior may seem arrogant to some, but at such a battle every weapon is allowed given that it will lead us somewhere other than the bed or suicide.
I have been thru functioning remission once and next week I will resume it. It is very difficult to recover and requires extra work and effort to wake up and deal with people at all levels and you just need to build your defenses, egotism, kindness, generosity, pride…etc. it doesn’t matter as long as you have your mind set on something new to become. It is a battle that very few can survive and being successful at a very young age for normal people up shots egotism, why not us. I am not asking people to be egotec but if a normal person is successful and pride why doesn’t a scz be also successful and pride, he has earned it with more efforts. Again, I don’t say you should use egotism as your defense line but if that makes you happy about yourself and is taking you by hand into recovery related activities then so be it. We are in the same boat, same have to act as leaders and some as wheelers, the purpose is to keep moving. @mortimermouse please keep it up you are a great person.
@Wave I have talked to you previously with a different name and you were very kind, please do not be offended and keep it up as a kind caring person, you are great.


@mortimermouse , you remind me how I was when I was 21 I was also arrogant and felt the world should bow to me. I think a lot of people go through that stage.

I still will never accept defeat but I have toned down my arrogance is all and taken a slightly more humble approach yet I still speak my mind.

What I think would make you the best psychiatrist would be someone who knows his ■■■■, has the experience first hand, the will to beat sz to a pulp with his bare hands and also humble about it.

Wave is much older than us and psychiatry and the approaches to recovery have changed a lot since he was our age so his recovery is a totally different journey than ours.

We all have our own tactics to recover/manage and the key is to never give up

We’re all in this together folks


I mean no offense, I merely reacted to a perceived attack on my character. I respect you, @Wave, despite our radically different approaches. I myself have a different mindset that was instilled by military grade training as a teenager and a preparatory school education since pre-school. Excuses never flew in my upbringing. Never.

I plan on doing so, then being humble. Right now I live in a crappy household and have to be full of myself to keep it up.

I mean I have to be harder than the hard times. It makes me a bit abrasive to some, but it is saving my life.

I do dream of one day being settled down and not as egotistical and full of youth. Once I get my degrees, I will not feel like I have much left to prove, only a life to live well. These days I am full of ambition and I am working my way towards my dreams, and I show myself no pity, I chose to begin this journey. However I recognize that I have been holding others to this principle, which is incorrect because I am me and unless someone asks to become me, I should not hold them to my standards.

Well said. We all have our own paths to take. My path is my own, and I should respect everyone else’s path as others should respect mine.


@mortimermouse I wrote out a post apologizing to you - I am really in a lowered irritable medicated state.
Yes I was hurt at your response to my post, but you were big enough to apologize - I should have accepted it at the time.
I really do like you Mortimer, and should have not lashed out as I did - I feel bad and should have known better.


I look crazy actually.

I really do look crazy.

This whole thread seems more about behavior rather than disease. I mean what does it mean to behave like this label or that label. Sz or normal or any one of a thousand flavors. Barring a few physical signs like wide-eyed stares or imbalance or other movement disorders that we can’t control, it’s our behavior that gives us away.

I’m pretty good at masking my symptoms and blending in, and work a professional job and own a house and do better than a great many ‘normal’ folks, but I don’t expect to win any prizes for it. And I cringe with embarrassment whenever I think I’m close to ‘blowing-my-cover’ by my behavior. In my experience this comes when I get too confident or cocky and feel I know better than my peers or my doctors etc.

A good dose of humility goes a long way in these situations. And I look toward my limitations, my disease and my role in society constantly. When we behave with stereotypical behaviors, we get treated as labels rather than human beings.


People say that seem normal. But the fact is, that I really try to look that way.

That means you’re doing it right.

I aspire to this level of awesomeness someday:

Normal. Bleh.



Who told you so…You don’t always talk crazy either…A different look is always a crazy look for someone who is not acquainted with a particular style…

Sometimes, at some point in your posts I feel that you have some refined insights on different matters in life…Deep down in you…But the time you bring it up, everything gets mixed up. I hope someday you’d come out of all your delusions and paranoia and we’d see a very different pansy with positive attitude towards life.

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I told myself, no one told me. I really do look crazy.

And that is how you know your done right there, when someone says “you don’t always talk crazy.” How bad is that right?

A positive attitude towards earth is extremely negative.

How come…explain it please…

Because it’s bad.

You’d have a positive attitude about something bad.

Fairly simple really.

A positive attitude towards earth would be to save it for others. Save it from global warming and nuclear wars, Don’t pollute it and plant more trees to make the air clean.

All this is about saving earth which is not negative.

Thing that I can think of in such a scenario is only ‘Hope’. With hope you can only have a positive attitude about something bad. For example, if I am going through some rough patch in my life. Only hope will help me in going through that bad time…