Who has a Christmas tree already? We do

Sorry, don’t know if this is an allowed topic?

But anyways, here’s our finished Christmas tree🎄
Ignore the black blob to the right, I had to blur out my step son lol


That’s a really lovely Christmas tree :evergreen_tree:

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Yes, trees are allowed. It’s just religious aspects aren’t.


The topic is fine. We don’t have ours up yet but I think I saw my dad dig the artificial tree out of the basement. Not sure what he did with it. It is not up in the usual place.


Haha okay thanks. Wasn’t sure if they had a meaning behind them or anything

Thanks much, hopeful☺️

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i think christmas trees are a pagan thing though… not sure about that but i seem to remember something about that.

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Oh interesting… :thinking:

yea i think when the other religions came up they allowed the trees still to have more people join their religion. But originally it was a pagan ritual.


I believe that is correct.


What a festive feeling Xmas tree!

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Pretty tree! We’re putting ours up today

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Thanks a bunch :green_heart: @Zoe

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Ooo nice😃

Have fun!!


I wanna see when it’s done

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nice tree btw @anon61987434

you guys made it really nice =)

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Thank you♥️


Do you and your family celebrate Christmas?

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yea we do =) we always eat rabbit stew on christmas day. I always look forward to it.

what do you do christmas day?

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Um, well we just open presents, then for dinner we have a big meal… haven’t decided what we’re having this year… maybe play board games🙂


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