Who else here is married?

I have been married since june. i have been with her for almost 4 years, known her for 10. after finally getting her away from her abusive daughters father, we have been very happy

Iā€™m 55, and Iā€™ve never married. I think kids are out of the picture for me now, but if I found a woman who would be a good life companion for me I would take her. That probably wonā€™t happen, though, because I am very shy and I am very particular about what kind of woman I want.

Ok I will admit to being married to tell this tale. You may skip if too long. Maybe I am practicing my memoirs now.

I had a low stress job in the government and was happily dating in my 20s after the stress and terror of school.
So I decided I wanted to be married and all was well for 3 years. But having a baby buts a lot of stress on a person.

My husband decided to hug the baby sitter which was really weird. I spent $10,000 on a lawyer who overcharged me for him pleading quilty to a 4th degree sex offense. There was a small article in the papers and he lost his job soon after. I handled this pretty well.
However add in the stress of 1995 BRAC closing of my base and yes I had a break. We would have been moved to another base 20 miles away but I lost my security clearance for being hospitalized after 13 years of outstanding service and awards.

But luckily they offered me a disability retirement. I took it because my new pdoc helped me get it and said I should. I was getting pretty sick at that point but I didnā€™t really know it.

But staying home was not really an option for me as I had to support the family as my husband could not keep a job or get one with a record. So I went back to work and just did my best to hide symptoms. I had a stressful job but I HAD to hold it together to support my son. Babies will do that to your brain.
Thatā€™s where I started with the samurai thing and swords as I had to feel very strong as I was flying apart. It was stressful just to hold myself together but working for me gave me structure and a purpose.

God finally found me a lower stress job but I had a relapse like a year after I got it. And they kept me on! Several years later one of the owners kept telling me to repeat an analysis and I said I keep getting the same result. That and my husbandā€™s credit card spending led to another relapse. But they were so happy when I came back as work had piled up.

I paid off the cards and closed them and said do not open any more. My doctor said donā€™t pay them. Isnā€™t she smart?
But he opened more in his name at a po box and he that he was talking to Russian woman on the Internet. He even lied and said he was visiting relatives and was texting stuff when it stopped. He didnā€™t know how to make international calls. My son called the relatives to find he was a liar.

But you know I have to be strong and keep the family together. So I took him back, if I divorsed him he wouldnā€™t have health insurance.
He did need that as he has just had a hip replacement. I was looking for the raised toilet under our carport and was moving all the grass cutting equipment and that bothered his girding problem.
So he calles the police yelling paranoid sz wife attacking me. I was outside and he should have been in his chair resting after operation 2 days earlier but he gets up to yell at me out the door.

So they sent 3 police! Those p sz can be dangerous you know, and I was calmly able to explain the situation. One cop even remembered us when we reported him missing when his phone calls stopped and we were looking for him. And he was in Ukraine where poor women were desperate to get out of the country.

So I have read that sz gets better when you are older and I will have to second that notion as I am now 55 and I have passed the ultimate stress test!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Iā€™m engaged and have a son on the way; heā€™s due on December 23rd or sooner.

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