Which shoes are your favorite

Really I’ve got more interested in buying shoes lately; as a way to express myself. I probably wont buy them because I need to budget better next month. But nothing wrong with window shopping i dont think.

Definitely going with these as far as basketball shoes go :smiley:

That was a joke… Those do look like they’re from year 2054, not 2024.

I like these 3 as far as style goes:

Eventually I might get one of these three after doing some more research. And yes id wear them. I dont understand the people who just let their shoes lie around and sit there Tbh. i wanna wear them!

This is my current shoe collection. As you can see i wear these a ton :stuck_out_tongue:

Discuss shoes


i got these boots and theyre my favorite right now. i like boots like this best.


Those shoes all look like they belong in the 2nd back to the future. Too colorful for me. I like my basic black and white tennis shoes.

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When I used to hoop, these were my favorite shoes. Nike Huarache 2k8…apologies if the image is fuzzy


i have two pair of boots from the years that i dont really wear too much but i like them too. I have a pair of timberland and bass.

PS. this is my basketball shoes what they looked like new https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.afabc7d5f03a5f69155bfd3b847899d9?rik=3gTnx%2BWtL5h%2BXQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

they’re kyrie irving mother divinity shoes. I fell in love with them. I like most of kyrie’s shoe releases. I’d consider getting another if the time was right

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Also like these, but never had the stones to buy them lol

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i have a pair of timberlands too. theyre red. i need to break them in tho they are stiff and look too new and bright right now so i need to wear them more


V-A-N-S !

I just wear them in all different colours and forms for 12 years or so.

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How much do they cost???

have you seen the new jordan, these

Those are sweet

There’s so many to choose from damn

These are a little “too much” for me but i found them interesting lol

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Lol those are sweet but i couldnt rock them personally

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Lol i like the bright colors.

I thought the james harden ones (orange and black ones) were too futuristic but i see nothing wrong with the others :sunglasses:

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I’m not sure how much they cost. I also had a pair of these Jordan 10s (as you can tell, I like black shoes haha). These are my favorite J’s, although I don’t really wear Jordans anymore

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When i was in 8th grade i think i had these

tmac was probably my favorite player in the league at the time. People always thought they were cool. I didnt think i realized how cool they were back then


I had a pair of those too lol all white. Those were the dopest shoes back then. I think LeBron’s high school team wore those, except all green. But yeah, the tmac shoes are legendary

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I only keep a pair of doc martins
And a slip on teva
I wear both.

Will replace the same when they wear out

Those shoes all look like 2030

The future is now

Like the timberlands in red


I wear Chuck’s but for short trips wear tennis shoes with breathing.



lol i noticed we have the same slides on. i have alot of shoes but just put in frame some of the ones i got recently that are futuristic looking to me


The two on the left kinda look like crocs…but are they??? Cool regardless!!

Nice adidas slides :sunglasses:

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the left 2 are merrell hydro mocs and slides on right are crocs echo slides. i had like a foam shoe (crocs etc.) obsession for a while but now i have like 10 pairs of crocs all different models so ive slowed down a bit lol

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