Which member here is fully recovered?

I have positive symptoms, but they’re not really all that bad, the only real thing I wish I could change, is my ability to get fatigued by work. I just need breaks, and encouragement to try again, which is stupid but it works sometimes.

I was doing really well exercising by swimming at a gym with my brother but we fell out, he kind of tried to blame stuff on me, that I think was the result of long term untreated depression, and I just emotionally couldn’t handle that.

So I basically blew up at him and then had to move back with my mom.

I gave it a good try, I tried my best, but when he saw me getting on the computer more, I think he assumed I was back to my ■■■■ self from my depression. He just doesn’t know I don’t have a life outside of the online stuff that I do, and that its become my routine.

I dunno, I hope we work it out, but if hes done with me, I’m ok with that. I can’t give anymore then what I did during my stay with them.

Havent heard anything in the past 5 months. It was weird but before i went to the psych ward. A random person passing by said “the experiment is complete, cut ties”. Ever since then it has been almost radio silence. The only problem i have now is zoning out randomly that causes my over active inner monologue to say strange things.

I wouldnt consider myself fully recovered yet, not until i stop visiting and posting on certain conspiracy forums. Tho its been awhile recently.

Do you think you can find a job with this certificate ?
seems to be interesting.

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For some reason I tend to nosedive every 6-9 months.

I begin to personalize information from the TV and Radio. But I haven’t used either of these two media outlets for months now, and I’m doing very well.

It’s difficult not staying connected to News, but when anything big happens in the world I find out through friends or family.

Not fully recovered. I still hear voices and can’t cope with stress anymore. The good news is that I finished a Bachelors while ill and that I recently started working part-time.


Maybe with that certificate and a few others, possibly. It’s about what you know and what you can do – basically skills. You could probably get a basic entry level job that pays more than minimum wage for sure with a few skills and experience under your belt. Depends on the job, employer, and where. A friend of mine got a job (he majored in math) in software engineering after finishing john Hopkins data science program on coursera, that free-code boot-camp thing, and a few other things. He had a resume and some skills and possibly even a portfolio of things he did. He’s a super smart guy. Much smarter than me.

Anyways, last time I talked to him, he had 2 programming jobs and was making well over six figures. 1 at a start up and another at a small tech company. After he got those jobs, he took Stanford’s algorithmic courses on coursera. So he went from crappy jobs after graduating college, to making it and doing it with self-education. He said java-script developers are in high demand. He told me he did C# and a lots java script type stuff.

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Ok thanks !

I don’t know how this would be seen in France, but a certificate from Harvard is quite cool for sure.

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Yes, you could get a job with a CS50 certificate, it is an introduction to Computer Science and thus provides the user with skills in software development. It is free to audit, you can always upgrade to a verified certificate afterwards. Once you’ve completed it, you can show it on your LinkedIn profile, so yes, it could very much help you in getting a job.

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Ok thanks a lot. Nothing to lose to get in the program.


It’s good to be honest. When interviewing, be honest about your experience and skills. Worst thing you can do is lie and say you can do something and not be able to do it. My friend said you really gotta know your ■■■■, but education isn’t as important or necessarily like a college degree.

Honestly, I wouldn’t feel comfortable yet until I got several certificates and other things like a portfolio of assignments or projects that I’ve created or done or some open source contribution or project. You gotta sell yourself in my opinion have a linkedin, have a github thing, and just learn and know your ■■■■. I wanna get better and know linux pretty well. Lots of growth in software and high paying jobs. I don’t wanna be a code monkey. I think it’s like coder <programmer, software developer <software engineer< architect, etc. but I don’t know. People can code and have no idea what’s going on. I thought about a CS degree but I don’t know. I don’t think I can get a job I want in computer science or programming because of my delusions and schizophrenia.

I have negative symptoms and cognitive decline so I might never feel confident at all. There’s always going to be some genius programmer who programmed since he was 13 or 14. Same with mathematics, I guess.

I want to learn some hardware too but it’s best to know software.

Check out stuff like WGU’s online BS computer science degree if that’s your thing and if you are from US.

I’m more into getting a degree over experience and self-learning because I lack confidence, skills, and have huge holes and gaps.

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Ok thanks for the advices. GL to know linux better.

If i get through the bad days i had recently i’ll definitely try to do something in computer sciences.

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Ya I think Linux is valuable. On edx, they have basic good Linux certs from Linux foundation. I think having one of those in my resume would be good. Its more relevant than say some random math class. Excel is good too i think.

not me. some days im close to recovered then voices will sometimes still appear. i don’t think i will ever be fully recovered but i can become high functioning schizophrenic.

I feel recovered…I have no ill effects from my meds and I am completely sane. it took me a long time to shake off all my delusions…

I would be considered as recovered probably. Haven’t had any episodes in years. Very high functioning and am fairly successful in life. I do still have symptoms from time to time but generally they are quite mild.


May i ask what medicine you take now? What symptoms did you have before med? I am very happy that you are able to feel joy every morning which is very hard for us.

Good job. It must be really hard to finish college while having voice. How can you concentrate?

It takes me three coffees to start studying. So, the answer is a lot of strong coffee.

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I picked up a SCO Linux cert about six months before the blowout started with Darl McBride. I wound up burning the certificate. Man, what a gong show that turned out to be.

This is not true. 30% of people with schizophrenia recover.