Where you from?

Where would you like to be from?

I’m originally from Virginia. As for where would I like to be from? I’d be happy to be born anywhere in the USA.

me too man characters.

Hi want to see Canada then decide. From Midwest now. Actually I’m in the town I grew up in.

I am an All-American, Southern, Rebel, Gypsy, Free-Spirited Country Girl without a horse. But, deep within me I am Cowgirl Up and Cowgirl Tough.

Thanks for sharing.

You’re welcome. Sometimes, I get in trouble for who I am. But, even when I forgot it was deep within me and that is why I have been able to survive adversity and suffering. Now, I am remembering who I am. Although, I don’t think I have Native American blood, I study the spiritual truths of the Native Americans. There ere here in America and have much to teach us. Actually, I have learned from many cultures and creeds; but, I guess I feel most comfortable with what I know best; that which is American.

I’m happy to be from the united states. I just don’t want to be in the town I’m in now.


I’m a native Californian and I like it here fine.

Ok Nick man…so you are spoiled as f**k …lets leave it there man.

Spoiled and happy.

i come from the G O D :slight_smile:

garden of desire lol naaaa i’m a miracle, should never have been born

should have just been a stain on the sheets of life, no joke

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Ha very poetic you feeling good?

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I’m from a small town in Northern Iowa. I don’t have a problem with where I was born, the only nice thing though would be able to tell people a name of the town and actually have them heard of the place before. Really it’s just one of those little rinky-dink towns about 3,000 people live there last time I checked, you probably wouldn’t even notice it if you drove by it, unless you stopped for gas or something. It borders along the line of Wisconsin and the Mississippi River. When we go back to visit family neither my mom’s nor my cell phone gets any service in the area. It’s a nice quiet place to retreat from the bustling St. Louis streets…but like I said sometimes I wish I could give a town name where people have some recollection of hearing.

I was born in Waterford, Ireland but grew up in London

I think I would like to be from Ireland ‘properly’- ie growing up there, living on a farm like my dad did. I am attracted to rural life but am too urbanised now.

I’m born and bred Capetonian, lived in Cape Town SA all my life, its an awesome city - sun, sea, mountains, cosmopolitan, colourful, nice weather, laid back lifestyle, etc. I’m happy here. :blush: :sunny:

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