What's your laziness

When are you lazy? Now I’m eating chocolate lying down (half-asleep) on my bed. I’m enjoying my laziness.


I am lazy to clean and to go to work…

Sometimes I take melatonin in the morning so I can sleep later.

My bedroom is a f****ing disgrace

I always try not to be lazy, but I feel tired and I need to sit down many times.

All the time. Everything is way too hard. But I guess the most prominent things are grooming. I don’t take care of my appearance at all anymore, and I used to really care about how I looked

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I help my dad work around his farm but other than that I’m lazy. Been depressed. I’m hungry but too depressed to cook

I’m lying down as I type this

I am lazy to clean either myself or my apartment. I am also lazy to go to work or school. I don’t know whether to call it laziness or lack of motivation.

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