What's your favourite accent?

I’m from Europe but like the American southern accent (Like Texas)


I like British accents the most. Actually I like a lot of the accents around the UK.

I’m from Texas (no accent though).

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french :wine_glass:
take care :alien:

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oui oui, French is so nice to hear

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C’est magnifique, magnifique! (had to look it up)

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Kinda like the New England accent - if there is just one. It speaks to me of people who keep to themselves.

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Irish…Eastern, like Dublin. Smooth as glass. :four_leaf_clover:

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I haven’t been socializing too much, but that still doesn’t stop that from being the best thing I’ve heard today.

Southerns are too (socially) ‘handsy’ for me. They don’t ask a billion questions to your face but it becomes pretty apparent pretty quickly that they ask others a billion questions about you.

I really like Jamaican accents, definitely in women lol

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I know what you mean, having lived in the south most of my life. Where are you from? I probably fit into that mode of behavior myself having been raised on it. Is that what ‘raised on robbery’ means?

I’ve never heard that one, but I never really put down roots here, despite being engaged to a Southerner and all. (C is remarkably un Southern despite having been born and raised here.)

Italian is cute

I prefer (some) British accents as well. I am Dutch myself, so you would notice an accent in my speech too, though I couldn’t describe it and do not notice it myself too much. What I do notice, and regret, is that when I speak English, I am not quite as fluent as in my native tongue. I have no problem at all getting across what I mean, but would like to properly master it. I lack the instant intuitive feeling that tells me what synonym to use, which isn’t a big problem, the relevant words are synonyms after all. But it can be crucial when it comes to wit. I cannot ‘play’ with language in English as much as I can in my own language. I might be moving to the UK later this year though, that should improve things.

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I had a dutch boyfriend, he had the funniest accent! We spoke in english, he didn’t stay long enough to learn portuguese.

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Jamaican or Scottish is interesting…

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I would say the Dublin Irish accent.

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There is only one best accent and it’s Donald Trump’s accent.


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South African :smile_cat:

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I like all kinds of accents, especially in Women.

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Lately, it’s been coastal Croatian. ( :sunglasses: )