I’m from Europe but like the American southern accent (Like Texas)
I like British accents the most. Actually I like a lot of the accents around the UK.
I’m from Texas (no accent though).
take care
oui oui, French is so nice to hear
C’est magnifique, magnifique! (had to look it up)
Kinda like the New England accent - if there is just one. It speaks to me of people who keep to themselves.
Irish…Eastern, like Dublin. Smooth as glass.
I haven’t been socializing too much, but that still doesn’t stop that from being the best thing I’ve heard today.
Southerns are too (socially) ‘handsy’ for me. They don’t ask a billion questions to your face but it becomes pretty apparent pretty quickly that they ask others a billion questions about you.
I really like Jamaican accents, definitely in women lol
I know what you mean, having lived in the south most of my life. Where are you from? I probably fit into that mode of behavior myself having been raised on it. Is that what ‘raised on robbery’ means?
I’ve never heard that one, but I never really put down roots here, despite being engaged to a Southerner and all. (C is remarkably un Southern despite having been born and raised here.)
Italian is cute
I prefer (some) British accents as well. I am Dutch myself, so you would notice an accent in my speech too, though I couldn’t describe it and do not notice it myself too much. What I do notice, and regret, is that when I speak English, I am not quite as fluent as in my native tongue. I have no problem at all getting across what I mean, but would like to properly master it. I lack the instant intuitive feeling that tells me what synonym to use, which isn’t a big problem, the relevant words are synonyms after all. But it can be crucial when it comes to wit. I cannot ‘play’ with language in English as much as I can in my own language. I might be moving to the UK later this year though, that should improve things.
I had a dutch boyfriend, he had the funniest accent! We spoke in english, he didn’t stay long enough to learn portuguese.
Jamaican or Scottish is interesting…
I would say the Dublin Irish accent.
There is only one best accent and it’s Donald Trump’s accent.
South African
I like all kinds of accents, especially in Women.
Lately, it’s been coastal Croatian. ( )