What's your favorite thing in nature?

I don’t know if this counts, but mine is probably sunsets. Here’s a picture of one that I took a week or two ago.IMG_1156


If you get the chance, take in a sunset in a desert like the Sonoran. I know you’d love it. So much beautiful orange and purple you’ll puke. BTW Sorry to make this a my desert is better than your desert post. All sunsets are awesome.

But if I could be in any type of environment it would be a tropical beach. I know that is cliche. But I love feeling the sun baking into my bones and hearing the sound of the blue green waves lapping against the sand. Looking out on waters so clear it seems you could see down to the bottom of the ocean.

And then you get home and it is snowing and cold and you realize that your car has a weeks worth of snow on top of it while it was sitting at the airport. Then you have to get out the ice scraper…I’m going to stop. This has gotten away from me.


I looked up pictures on google, and it looks beautiful. If I ever go there I’ll try to stay to watch the sunset.

I love the wind blowing in the trees and their leaves.

I love the forest and all the little animals in it, beavers etc.

And the sounds of nature, like thunder storms. :blush: :v:


I love the rain, the fog, and the dew.


I like the natural and jungles smells


I like the rattling of leaves in the wind, and the sound of water running in a stream.

I also love the smell of pine forests and the blueberry plants in the norwegian forests


The crash of breakers from the ocean as you go to sleep! It’s amazing. My first 4 years were in a house about three blocks from the ocean and very small. I went to sleep with that every night and it still haunts me to this day!


Any bodies of water, I love the beach, lake, river and all.
It calms my soul whenever I am one with nature. God’s gift is really amazing right?


Mountains and trees.
:mountain: :deciduous_tree:


I think the wind. Sometimes its hard, sometimes its small. I like it.

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The scenery, especially in the Fall.


Busty blonds in skimpy tops.


@77nick77 But is the bustiness natural? or it doesn’t count

I would pray so.

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Trees, sunsets, mountains and grass

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I really love the smell of greenery and the sound of the ocean.


I love being near water. Whether that’s the ocean, a lake or even a pond. As a kid I could never resist jumping in to water. I was much healthier back then and could swim well. Now I’m older I prefer dipping my feet in lol


I’ve noticed multiple people have replied saying their favorite thing is water, but I’m actually really scared of swimming in water that has living things. I used to watch a show called “river monsters,” and it messed me up.

One time I was in a lake, and I stepped in a bed of leaches. They were all over my feet. That messed me up too.

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I love water and I love to swim but deep water scares the crap out of me. The idea of being in the deeper part of the oceans makes me cringe even now. When I was little I used to always stare down at the bottom of the deep end of the public swimming pool watching for something to pull at my leg. Who knew I should have been more worried about people relieving themselves in the pool.

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