What's worst + or - symptoms

As I am extremely lucky not to have many of the positive symptoms,
But the negative has destroyed my life.
A question
What’s worst for U


Negatives are longer lasting for me but positives are more disabling in the acute way


The positives if they aren’t under control… the negatives when the positives are under control…

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Where would you put derealization and all other things affecting realization? It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative in my honest opinion, if it gets to realization it affects the whole trifecta: cognitive, negative and positive. It’s important to understand that the issues aren’t the symptoms, including the compromised realization.

The issue is what I would call: the PULL. The positives are how you shape the pull and the pull shapes you, the negatives are how you get entangled with it and the cognitives are how you try to hold everything together.

The struggle is how to get to the pull and differentiate yourself from it and the key to this in my honest opinion lies in tackling realization related symptoms.

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The negative symptoms are worse for me.

positive. i dont care about neg anymore.

Both equal

Cognitive problems getting worse

If you have +'s like me

When I have them, the positves of thought broadcasting, telepathy and paranoia are the worst for me. Negatives are minor, in comparison to positives, in my book.

So what’s your schizophrenic symptoms
For those are common among mankind,
As we get older we see there are general for man

They are both awful in their own right.

I guess I’d say the positives prove more of an immediate concern and are definitely worse in general. But for a lot of us thankfully they can be helped at least somewhat with meds.

But negatives are soul crushing and really continue to bugger on currently for me. They really are ruining my quality of life. And there is no treatment really for them (at least that works for me).