Whats up guys!

How are you? How is your life? Because Im feeling not good or bad, Im having just a normal day :smirk:


Just a normal day here to, need something nice to happen


I need to shower. Some of my areas aren’t very aromatic.

I feel stuck due to my sciatica. I want to take action for my life, but I can’t. I can’t even walk or sit down for 15 minutes. I will talk to my doctor next Tuesday.

Well I take a shower only 1 time in a week!

So bad, wish the best 4 you

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I finished my other paper today and am going to do laundry soon. It’s been a pretty quiet day.


I had a normal day too, except for my laugh attacks in public :joy:

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Thanks, Alan! I’ll take some time to study the theory of pick up (picking up girl). I don’t believe I’ll improve my game by just studying theory and taking no action, but it’s better than nothing. I’m also writing at my personal blog about dating and the pick up world.

I have an appointment with my pdoc on Wednesday, so I need to be there anyway. I’ll probably take an antiinflamatory to do that.

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Same old, same old. Nothing new, nothing interesting.


Glad you’re having a normal day. That’s a good thing.

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Well Im bad at picking girls, when I was 8 years old the cutest girl of the class said she wants to be my gf and I just ran away because I was shy, lol

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Yeah its better than a bad day

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I don’t approach girls since the beginning of January (I was in a relationship until last week). I know that when I go to the club again, I’ll have approach anxiety. We always have it. The unique way to overcome it is by taking action. There is no way of getting ready for it. It’s kind like a cold shower.

There’s a good book called The Flinch by Julien Smith. This book is for free.


Guys, I can’t do laundry :sob: I’m out of money


Its always good to overcome anxiety

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Money is always a problem

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That’s okay…just wear your clothes while you shower!


There’s an idea. :rofl: I’ve already worn everything twice or so, shouldn’t hurt.

@DelusionalSoldier pick up artists tend to have very unhealthy views on women and relationships. It might be better to just make friends, and let feelings develop naturally over time. That way, you will find someone who is a good match for you.