Whats up guys!

Why do you think PUAs tend to have unhealthy views on women and relationships?

Because they tend to view the ultimate goal of talking to a woman to be sex, and consider any conversations that donā€™t lead to sex to be failures. They tend to view women as sex objects, rather than individual people with their own thoughts and feelings. They frequently lie to get girls to sleep with them, which is horrifyingly unethical.


I second that. Iā€™m just having a normal day too. Got some stuff accomplished. Went shopping a little at Rite-Aid, went to the post-office and got stamps. Crowded too, I had to stand in line for a short while.

Went to the park at my old neighborhood and brought something to drink and sat on a bench and enjoyed the great weather and watched the ducks and geese in a pond. I only embarrassed myeself 3 or 4 times. A new personal record by the way. Usually the average is ten times a day, I must be moving up in the world.

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15 charactersā€¦

I donā€™t know this kind of PUA that youā€™re talking about. True pick up has nothing to do with lying and itā€™s more about evolving as a man. Getting laid is for sure one of the objectives, but it doesnā€™t mean that the guy doesnā€™t consider the girlā€™s feelings and emotions. Conversations that donā€™t lead to sex are viewed as something that you can learn with, and not just as failure. I donā€™t worry too much about that because girls generally can sense if the guy is lying or trying something unethical to pick up her.


Working on it! Probably will try out fiverr again to earn like $8 lol

Thatā€™s not really the point. The point is that no guy should do something unethical to attempt to get sex. Depending on the degree of lying, it could even be considered rape by deception, and the man could go to jail for it. Just be very careful with this new interest of yours. Most women have zero respect for self-identified pickup artists, because they have zero respect for us.


Thank for your concern, @Ninjastar. As I said before, pick up is not about lying in order to have sex. Women who hate PUAs generally have emotional issues or have a wrong vision about the matter. Mainstream media watered down a lot of lies about true pick up. Itā€™s a shame to see this happening.

Women who hate PUAs generally just want to be treated like human beings, and not targets.


Well, not from my own experience, but some girls donā€™t mind being picked up. But you canā€™t really tell by looking at a woman.

Like Iā€™ve said before, thereā€™s a lot of competition in bars and clubs when it comes to even just approaching a woman to talkā€¦ You have to have a hell of a lot of confidence in those places. Going to bars and clubs to lose your virginity is probably going to be fruitless.

I think @DelusionalSoldier is trying to say, yes thereā€™s stigma associated with using tactics to try and approach and talk with women, but generally thatā€™s all it is, just men using tricks to overcome their own self defeating behaviors and thought processes. So really, heā€™s saying its more about improving mens confidence and talking skills and things like that, not tricking women into having sex. You assume men only want sex, they want that yes, but also to go on a lot of dates and be romantically successful using these various techniques and strategies.

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My point is that the only technique you need to get a girlfriend is mastering the skill of treating women as individual human beings with their own wants, needs, and feelings that are just as real as yours. Trying to learn pickup techniques just makes men come across as insincere and puts women on the defensive. @DelusionalSoldier, youā€™re a genuinely sweet and thoughtful guy, and I think learning pickup techniques will only hurt your chances at finding someone who is a good match for you.


But, @Ninjastar, I told you that pick up is not about lying to women or seeing them as non-human beings with their own thoughts, feelings, needs and wants. Youā€™re doing a generalization and it hurts.


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