Feeling like a healthy sexual animal, I can’t help but think that it would save a lot of hurt feelings to leave the word “love” out of picture.
Maybe start by small walks in the neighborhood? Chanses you meet someone is huge compared to sitting at home alone.
As a husband and a father I can tell you that love is the shock absorber that smooths out the bumps on the road of life. The love of friends and family is the single biggest blessing I am thankful for.
Hmm, do I detect that there’s a man in your life?
While @shutterbug is on the right track (for sure) about what “love” actually is, it seems to me that most of us got bamboozled into thinking it’s what they’re pitching on the toob or in the gooey song lyrics. When I came to truly understand that my memories and projections had nothing whatsosever to do with “love,” that I had a head full of commercial fantasies, and that love is being with what is in relationship, things got better in a hurry.
Emotions come I don’t know why… cover up loves alibi.
A Charter repair man came to the house.
Chordy, if you practice safe sex, there is no reason for you to not simply enjoy yourself. If you are ready for love, love will come, but, sometimes you just need some great sex!
There’s no such thing as dangerous sex at my age. I’m long past the age of fertility. Thanks, anyway.
Yes, but you are not past the age of stds.
Love is overrated. It is just another thing we learn to do from childhood. My heart has been broken one to many times to still believe in that. I think love is just a big misunderstanding of some of our emotions. Even lust can be misinterpreted for love. Even abuse or hurt feelings can be misread as love for something or someone. I use to be a sucker for love but I guess I’ve grown out of it.
Didn’t even think of it. Actually, samples, I’m a celibate and have been for years.
That is why I emphasized it, it’s very easy to forget, yet, it has serious consequences.
ok. Thanks for the reminder, Momma.
There’s no such thing as love,with all the lust,greed,and hate that we as humans propagate there is just no room for it.
I think that the mouse said it best when he said sex is just mutual masturbation.
If love is real it would take propagation which takes time and effort ,in today’s world there is no time or inclination for such nonsense.
Don’t think you are alone chordy there are hundreds of millions of people who feel like you do now,thats prolly why AIDS is gaining more ground every day.
If you have it, you know it. If you don’t, you claim it doesn’t exist. Sorry, but it does. I hope you find it someday.
You are absolutely right,and I aint got it…BUT at least im aware of it…thats something. …that aint nothin.
Ask Tina Turner.
Oh, those legs.