What's in your fridge?

Mini-fridge edition for me lol. Here’s a pic


Vegetables and eggs. Pork in my freezer.

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@Loke - Good stuff, I love eggs.

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Lots of stuff. Some should be in the trash. But lots of good food too. I need to pay someone to organize my fridge daily.

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How much does it pay? Lolol



@TheStrange - bread for the win!

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Lol yessssssss


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A big ceramic pot of a chicken dish (it’s half full), a half bag of green grapes, 2 jars of blue cheese dressing, a half bag of Romaine lettuce, a jar of instant coffee, lots and lots of flavored and unflavored seltzer water, six 32 oz. containers of Greek yogurt, a half jar of salsa and a half jar of pasta sauce and various condiments.

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I’m not sure but I think it is pretty awful in there

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@SkinnyMe - sounds like you’re set for some good meals! :slight_smile:

A bunch of food that we’re never going to eat because my mom hates cooking so we eat out every day.

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Eating out - expensive so I don’t do it often but I when I do… so yummy. I love KFC.

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Lol about once a week we cook a meal and then decide we’re not going to eat out anymore. Then the next day comes and my mom says “I don’t feel like cooking. What do ya’ll want from Uber Eats?” This happens every day, then my mom reads an article about healthy eating and decides that she’s going to “cook healthy dinners from now on.” Then the cycle continues.

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What kind of pizza did you get from pizza hut? lol

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Lol Stuff crust with pepperoni and Italian sausage


Mmm… Stuffed crust is one of the best inventions ever created. I like to go with the chicken and tomato stuffed crust myself.


Lol I might have to try that next time I order pizza hut


It’s soooo good. Even my brother likes it and he normally hates pizza.