What was your favorite candy as a child (or now)?

I also like Reese’s peanut butter cups.

Oh, I can’t forget those yellow Peeps at Easter.

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Almost anything chocolate. I really liked chocolate.


I like snickers, kit-kat bars, and etc. every Halloween, I used to buy 6 bags of those kinds of candy for me and my brother. but nowadays my brother is usually dieting all the time; so I sort -of didn’t buy any, this year. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tootsie Rolls are consistently wonderful. <3 Not the fruity ones, the original.
Peanut M&Ms are the only candy I actually crave sometimes.
My newest love is Coffee-nut M&Ms

I really like Starburst, and I like candy canes around Christmas time. In the past I was more into chocolate before I learned it had detrimental effects on me. As far as it goes I’ve been trying to limit sugar period but it’s difficult to do it all the time.

Mmmmmmmm…Circus peanuts

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I’m craving salt liquorice now.

Love it but they don’t have it in Australia.

I love mixed lollies where you get all kinds such as sour,salt,sweet,chockolate …

Probably licorice as a kid.

But I have a sweet tooth.

I wake up two or three times a night and get a piece of chocolate.

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gummy bears and jelly beans


gummy bears and gummy worms…

I can’t pick 1 favorite there’s too many,so I’ll go back to the earliest childhood memory. That would be zots! They still make these. Hard fruity candy with fizzy stuff like alka seltzer inside. I love giving them to kids just to watch their expression when they get to the fizzy part. Lol.

Cherry mash candy bars.