Candy Chat

What your candy of choice that gets you eating and eating it till you have nothing left. For me it is Smarties. I had two bags two days ago and I hate to admit that they are gone.


It shifts when I burn out on one, for the last few months it was king size Kit Kat bars. Next I think I might be getting on a 3 muskateers kick.

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Anything sour like gummy bears and worms and peach and watermelon rings.

This time of year it’s Sweettarts jelly beans.

I used to eat sour gummy bears by the bulk. :face_vomiting:

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Orange dark chocolate
Chili dark chocolate
Love hearts
Fruit mentos

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@FatMama You seem like you would like ruby chocolate.

Oh, and you guys have to try chocolate covered honeycombs. They’re so good.

As much as I enjoy chocolate, my favorite candy is mike and ike’s.

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@agent101g. Those king sized kit kats are great! We had some down the cricket club and deal is I eat and drink for free for my free labor. Those kit kat bars were a great snack. Top shelf!


I like mms with peanuts in them.


I love any kind of U.S. chocolate bars unfortunately.

i’ve been munching these little chocolate covered fudges and they are amazing, got them quite cheap out of Lidl

My favourite as a kid growing up was the Cadbury Pinky bar. A pink marshmallow and caramel centre, covered in milk chocolate. You can’t get them here in South Australia so that was the end of that love affair. I have now graduated to the Cadbury Crunchie dipped in coffee.:grin:

I normally buy skittles. Either that or marshmallows. I am normally pretty good when it comes to snacking though.

And cheese doodles

I like good chocolate, but, am trying to stay away from sweets. First, I’m now diabetic. Second, the first triggers cravings for more that last for a week or better.

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Dark chocolate is actually good in small amounts.

Chocolate covered raisins or chocolate covered biscuit balls. Brand name Tumbles or Whispers

I like and Bounties

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Boosts are amazing. Lidl do their own version of bounty - not quite as good but alright and they are cheap