It could be just a “what was I thinking moment” but later it made you shiver, but can still laugh about it now.
i pooped in mom’s flower garden for a year, because i didn’t want to use the sewer system, i tilled it in, and let it decompose, man did those flowers grow like weeds haha.
I pooped in the shower for the 4 months I was in school housing in Germany. It was more comfortable than the very smalll bathroom I could barely fit in lol
It was a big shower.
I was staying up for days on adderal and I thought I found one of those prehistoric tar pits in the woods out back. I took samples and put them in a cooler and brought them inside. I was about to email the university about it when I came down and realized it was just asphalt someone had dumped in the woods. It was all melted when I found it. Ha. Pretty rediculous.
Also when I was 17 I found this concrete cylinder and drew a black questionmark on it and my friend and I stood by the side of the highwqy with it on my head. He was holding a clipboard recording reactions and I was standing there with this concrete cylinder on my head. I considered it art.
I used to go into the town precinct with gallon water jugs to water the plants at 2am in winter. And put miniature pork pies in the phone boxes for the homeless. After a while the police just picked me up and took me home.
Seemed quite logical at the time lol.
Putting a dildo in my ass, but i don’t think about it anymore. I left it behind.
7th grade.Memorize and recite a poem:
In the family drinking well Willie pushed our sister Nell. She’s there because it kilt her. Now we have to buy a filter."
Back during my psychosis 8 years ago,
I ran through my neighborhood naked and delivered a hotdog to my friends house and a hospital armband.
I don’t really laugh about it… but once when I was climbing a mountain when I was really delusional, I found a human bone in the bushes. I accidentally picked it up… there were only fragments, so I think of it now that maybe he/she had been murdered…
I buried it in the ground and prayed for him/her
Took a fourth of a hit of acid and went to family group therapy when I was 27 years old… It was a mellow meeting.
I went out with a beautiful 26 year old woman when I was 27. We were driving in her home town around 9:00 at night and she was showing me the sights. A car with four 19 year old jerks pulled up next to us and were laughing at me. I just kept driving and she was totally embarrassed for me and her. She slid down in her seat. 30 minutes later she showed me her old high school and we had sex in in my car in the parking lot. I don’t know how weird it was but any excuse to tell that story.
The wierdest thing I have every done… Now this is a hard question, because I have done many many wierd things thorought my life…
I guess it would be when I gave a piece of mind to my shadow, during my PDoc appointment when I was 11 years old.
I used to always rock back and forth, before I got a rocking chair, because I was always a very nervous person. My boyfriend I lived with, didn’t know. Once he came down the stairs, and I think he saw me. He wasn’t the sensitive type. He didn’t say anything, but probably thought I was nuts.
Is it still there?
I had a folie a deux with a neighbor who had my same diagnosis and we wandered around the apartment complex with our husbands in tow, after in rained touching all the nightcrawlers and making them go back into the grass to they didn’t die on the sidewalk. We were talking in jibberish and acting like little girls. It was quite strange.
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