What to do about anxiety

I have schizoaffective and social anxiety I’m on ability 10mgs and lamicatal 100mgs but I can’t get a job because of anxiety do you guys think I can ask to be put on an antidepressant or anything else to help with social anxiety.

From what i understand a SSRI anti depressant is good for anxiety !!

Have you tried therapy?
Medication is fine for social anxiety if you get on the right one, but it doesn’t take away the root of the problem. Therapy might help you get to what’s really causing it, and to learn coping mechanisms.

I was abused as a child before I was diagnosed a schizoaffective I was taken to a phycotherapist because I had lost my fight or flight or at least it felt . She said “you need to let someone into your heart” but she didn’t give me a diagnosis so I don’t know what’s going on.

Could you try therapy again, perhaps with another therapist?
I’m not against you taking meds, I am all for them, but I for me, coping techniques helped my anxiety way more than medication.

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I have a therapist but I would like psychotherapy I think copeing techniques would not help me like cbt

I think the best thing for social anxiety is taking tiny steps to feel like u hav socialised. If u try to take a masssive step like joining a sports team u might get freaked out and never return. I am wanting to join a group for people with anxiety

My wife takes .5 mg of Xanax up to three times a day for social anxiety. She can’t call and order a pizza without one much less leave the house unless she’s intoxicated or has a Xanax.

This is how she became an alcoholic before treatment. Hopefully you don’t succumb to substance abuse. Benzos are a much better alternative.

I get social anxiety sometimes. It is a normal reaction cause there are people who harrasse you sometimes. Like one guy i dont know said he is gonna do something to himself …if i dont become his woman. I blocked him but im would say “go ahead”. But if you come to personal contact with a person there are so many ways to be abused emotionally if that person is a waky and decides to abuse you.

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