What should I get her? @FatMama @Wave @Ninjastar
I can’t remember all the names I wanted to tag. Please feel free to give me some ideas.
What should I get her? @FatMama @Wave @Ninjastar
I can’t remember all the names I wanted to tag. Please feel free to give me some ideas.
Marino wool socks.
They’re like $10-$15 a pair depending on the brand. But holy ■■■■ are they the most comfortable thing ever for you’re feet in the winter.
An Amaryllis bulb growing kit. It grows in a glass vase. The red ones are really beautiful.
The stuff that means the most to me from my kids are handmade things, like a nice home cooked dinner, some artwork, or a letter about all the reasons they’re glad I’m their parent. I don’t know your mom, but that stuff is what I always want the most.
A coffee machine.
Flowers. Chocolates. More chocolates.
Where you getting them for 10-15? I see them for 25 on Amazon.
I don’t know how to do any of that.
That’s a possibility. I just worry about them dying before Christmas.
Blaines farm and fleet is where I got mine
My mom loves scarves. She also loves books. Or a nice sweater. Or a teapot with different teas. Or a journal. Or a pretty basket of toiletries.
Another thing I do for my mom is get her a coupon for some kind of outing with me. This year it was for a hike at her favorite park, the year before it was dinner at a restaurant, before thay it was for me to DD on a wine tour with her and her friends. Stuff is just stuff, but quality time with your kid is priceless.
Once I got my mom an ice carving with flowers in it. This is when I was an ice carving apprentice. You could get her flowers. Costco sells nice bouquets.
I got my sister in law this scarf last Christmas and she wears it all the time! Beautiful and good quality for just under $20.
You can get her a nice cozy blanket.
Keeps the chill out indoors.
Massage her man
Pamper hamper bubble baths, face masks, cocoa butter moisturiser, bath bombs, chocolate, wine (if she drinks it) fuzzy socks or slippers
I think you should get her makeup
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