What should I get my mom or Christmas?

What should I get her? @FatMama @Wave @Ninjastar

I can’t remember all the names I wanted to tag. Please feel free to give me some ideas.

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Marino wool socks.

They’re like $10-$15 a pair depending on the brand. But holy ■■■■ are they the most comfortable thing ever for you’re feet in the winter.


An Amaryllis bulb growing kit. It grows in a glass vase. The red ones are really beautiful.


The stuff that means the most to me from my kids are handmade things, like a nice home cooked dinner, some artwork, or a letter about all the reasons they’re glad I’m their parent. I don’t know your mom, but that stuff is what I always want the most.


A coffee machine.


Flowers. Chocolates. More chocolates.



Where you getting them for 10-15? I see them for 25 on Amazon.

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I don’t know how to do any of that.:rofl:

That’s a possibility. I just worry about them dying before Christmas.

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Blaines farm and fleet is where I got mine


My mom loves scarves. She also loves books. Or a nice sweater. Or a teapot with different teas. Or a journal. Or a pretty basket of toiletries.


Another thing I do for my mom is get her a coupon for some kind of outing with me. This year it was for a hike at her favorite park, the year before it was dinner at a restaurant, before thay it was for me to DD on a wine tour with her and her friends. Stuff is just stuff, but quality time with your kid is priceless.


Once I got my mom an ice carving with flowers in it. This is when I was an ice carving apprentice. You could get her flowers. Costco sells nice bouquets.

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I got my sister in law this scarf last Christmas and she wears it all the time! Beautiful and good quality for just under $20.

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You can get her a nice cozy blanket.
Keeps the chill out indoors.

Massage her man

Pamper hamper :slight_smile: bubble baths, face masks, cocoa butter moisturiser, bath bombs, chocolate, wine (if she drinks it) fuzzy socks or slippers

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I think you should get her makeup :slight_smile:

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